幸せのパンケーキ 堺店 w Sakai

Japonia幸せのパンケーキ 堺店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒599-8236 Osaka, Sakai, Naka Ward, Fukaisawamachi, 3290 深井プラザ A 5
kontakt telefon: +81 72-275-7336
strona internetowej: daifuku-osaka.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.5309521, Longitude: 135.4975856

komentarze 5

  • 西佑基



    The fluffy pancakes were delicious! It was a weekday and relatively empty, so I was able to relax. However, if you go by car, parking is difficult to find. In a 3-story parking lot, only the 1st floor is available (I left it on the 2nd floor and got out right away, but it cost money)

  • まゆ



    No matter when I eat it, it's really delicious and makes me feel happy. What I received today were the happy pancakes and strawberry cheese fondue 🍓🍓🍓 The cheese fondue was so delicious ♡♡ When you put the cheese fondue on the fluffy pancakes, it was super delicious. 😋You'll want to eat it over and over again🤤🤤🤤 ♡For the drink, I chose grapefruit juice. Juice is normal🍹𓈒𓂂𓏸 This shop is a hidden gem. It's usually empty ☝️ It's a happy pancake shop where you can relax and relax without having to wait 🥞💞(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ That's why I always use it when I want to eat ✋✋✋

  • なおっぢ



    I went to Fukai, Sakai City for business. I went in because I wanted to rest a little. I ordered seasonal fresh fruit pancakes for 1,680 yen. I enjoyed the fluffy texture with a sweetness that wasn't overwhelming. The fruit was also delicious, covered in honey and less sour. It's a small cute shop.

  • Tみゆぞう



    It was really delicious💕 However, I prefer something a little less sweet. It looks beautiful and tastes good🎵 The fruits are very delicious and the colors are beautiful. The dough itself was sweet, the whipped cream was sweet, and it felt like the fruit was covered in syrup. The fabric is already really fluffy. It feels like it melts without chewing. There are only a few seats in the store, so if it gets crowded, you may have to wait. And you will have to wait quite a while until it is baked. Please leave plenty of time for your trip.

  • Mayumi



    You can get in right away even on Sundays depending on the time. The store is new, bright and clean. The taste was the same as the Honmachi store and it was delicious! I ordered banana chocolate, but the chocolate syrup was too sweet, so I asked for regular syrup and they brought it to me ^_^ There is an affiliated parking lot nearby, and the first hour is free and 200 yen per hour. For lunch, we also recommend pancakes that are not just fluffy pancakes!

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