Serizawa Clinics in Numazu

JapanSerizawa Clinics


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1745-1 Ōoka, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0022, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 55-963-3377
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1041548, Longitude: 138.8737036

kommentare 5

  • クロロム



    small child at the ophthalmologist Thank you for helping. I'm a female teacher. She is always kind and takes good care of my children even when they cry.

  • Charlie80



    I went to the hospital because I had pain in my cervical vertebrae, but the X-ray results showed that there was no abnormality. However, I was in pain and was very anxious, so I asked him some questions that I had prepared in advance, and he said, ``I will prescribe medicine,'' somewhat overshadowing my words. When I asked him more questions, he looked blatantly disgusted and said, ``That's why I said it was okay!'' ”… I even regretted getting the ship that was available everywhere and going home. Does something like this ever happen? i can't believe. I don't know if the bug was in the wrong place, but as a doctor, I don't think that's acceptable. I'm not a very strong person, so I think I went to a lot of doctors, but this was definitely the worst hospital. No wonder it looks great. This is true. I can't believe the comments from people who rate this place well.

  • ema



    I am being cared for by an ophthalmologist. The teacher is polite and explains everything clearly, so I can trust her. The reception staff also have a cheerful and polite impression. However, the attitude of the young female staff is arrogant and makes me feel uncomfortable every time. The way he walks is sluggish and he seems unmotivated. It would be better to change it.

  • macaron



    My family and I have been working at an ophthalmology clinic for a while now. We have received a thorough explanation of farsightedness in elementary school children, so they can attend our clinic with peace of mind. I felt that she was a doctor (female doctor) that I could trust. The receptionist, nurses, and orthoptists were all very calm and even kindergarten children were able to undergo the test without any hesitation. I couldn't find a suitable ophthalmologist in Numazu, so I'm glad I found this one.

  • 杉山稔



    The ophthalmologist was kind and thorough in his explanations. By the way, we also have orthopedic surgeons. ★Prescription reception is❗ Medio Pharmacy Ooka Hiyoshi store is right next to you 😃 The ophthalmologists here are well known! ️

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