Ikeda Hospital in Nagaizumi

JapanIkeda Hospital



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411-5 Honjuku, Nagaizumi, Sunto District, Shizuoka 411-0945, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 55-986-1212
webseite: ikeda-hp-g.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.120538, Longitude: 138.890071

kommentare 5

  • まこ*



    Really no. My grandma was hospitalized here, but she came back very skinny. (Originally an elderly person, bedridden) I think the pneumonia has had a big impact, but we still can't meet people due to the coronavirus, so don't be fooled by the pretty exterior. The nurses and other medical staff are kind, but when I get a little better and come back, the doctors don't give me any explanation. I think hospitals tend to have low reviews, but this one is seriously bad. I think it's okay if you receive a human dog etc. I think this is a hospital where people who are bedridden or unable to speak are treated poorly and have no human rights.

  • taniyan x

    taniyan x


    It is famous for its treatment of peritoneal cancer. Dr. Yonemura, famous for his treatment of peritoneal cancer, visits the hospital regularly. People from all over Japan come to this hospital for examination and treatment. An acquaintance of mine was diagnosed with peritoneal cancer at Mishima Central Hospital and was told he had only a short time to live. Even if the ascites is removed, a large amount remains and there is no treatment. Even if you take anti-cancer drugs, you will only suffer. He was told that he had no choice but to enter a hospice facility. The family searched online to see if something could be done. Dr. Yonemura from Shizuoka Cancer Center Then, he learned about Ikeda Hospital and decided to transfer. From a doctor at Mishima Central Hospital It is not normal for a patient to be transferred to a hospital in such a condition. I was told that there was a place that would accept me, so I was able to write a letter of introduction and was successfully transferred to Ikeda Hospital. Doctors at Mishima Central Hospital did not know that peritoneal cancer could be treated at Ikeda Hospital. That's what it is A patient who was told that he had no time left to live and that hospice was the only option received treatment from Dr. Yonemura. This treatment involves injecting diluted anti-cancer drugs directly into the peritoneum. After receiving this, the ascites disappeared. A person who was given a life expectancy has recovered to the point where he can walk, go out, and go shopping. cancer treatment Although I cannot say that it is equally effective for everyone, the fact is that there was excellent medical care here. lastly There are also many bad reviews. I have visited various hospitals, and I would say they are rural, but I think they are very friendly. This is not recommended for those who want a logical medical treatment, where even if you are hospitalized, you will be automatically thrown out after the period has expired.

  • Don Kelone

    Don Kelone


    This hospital is located in Nagaizumi Town, Shizuoka Prefecture. A new building has been built and it's beautiful. I've been getting a complete medical checkup here for the past few years, and it's helpful because the gastrocamera can be done through a nasal endoscope. As our track record for transnasal endoscopy is top class in the world, we can perform examinations smoothly. Furthermore, the price is about the same as other health checkups, so I think it's better value for money than places that have an optional fee for transnasal endoscopy. P.S. It seems like the equipment has been updated fairly recently.

  • retrovirus



    I used to think it wasn't good because I received a human dog here every year, but this year it was terrible. I guess the general review physician almost never looks at the medical questionnaire that I wrote. Well, that happens every time. I didn't even give him any room to interject, and he kept saying what he wanted to say in quick succession, and I was quickly taken out of the room. When it came to the gastrocamera, the stick in my nose still hurt, so I closed my eyes and it was suddenly pulled out without me saying anything. Are you licking me? Then, even though the nurse hadn't arrived yet, she shoved the camera into the area where she was in severe pain and couldn't make a sound, saying, ``It's so small.'' A nurse who came later gave me additional anesthesia and I managed to calm down, but the irritation caused the runny nose and tears to fall down my throat and go straight into my esophagus. ``Please don't swallow my saliva!'' It's the snot that came out because you forced me into it! ! I wanted to say that, but I couldn't speak, so I was irritated from beginning to end. During the inspection, I kept taking pictures without any explanation. Hey, are the polyps now ignored? The nurse who was rubbing my back felt like a god. thank you very much. The only thing that saved me was the Shokado bento that I ate at the cafeteria after finishing my medical examination. The taste is bland and the menu takes a while to prepare. If you are going to receive a human dog here, it is reasonable for people who are healthy and have no worries. This is a hospital that I would not recommend at all to people who are worried about something wrong with their body, who want to seek advice, or who are older.

  • ダブルセブン



    I have a health check done every year. The entrance lobby and diagnostic passageway have been renovated to create a modern, open space. The TV installed is large and easy to see from a distance, and the number of sofas to sit on while waiting has been increased, creating a comfortable space. For diagnosis, an endoscopy using a gastrocamera is performed every year. The clinic is one of the first in the prefecture to perform transnasal gastroscopy, and the technical skills of the doctors in charge are at a high level. Because it is approximately 1/2 the thickness of an oral camera, the incidence of vomiting has been drastically reduced compared to conventional oral examinations. I think this clinic is recommended for those who are new to gastroscopy and those who are not comfortable with endoscopy.

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