Fujiwara Clinics in Numazu

JapanFujiwara Clinics


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18-8 Kotobukichō, Numazu, Shizuoka 410-0053, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 55-924-8777
webseite: www.fujiwaraclinic.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1162051, Longitude: 138.8565925

kommentare 5

  • Masa



    I felt dizzy, so I went to the hospital and had a CT scan, which showed no particular problems, but they carefully explained that it was due to poor blood flow coming from the straight neck.

  • Take maru

    Take maru


    This is a very nice clinic that explains things quickly and in detail in an easy to understand manner. The facility was bright and clean, and the reception and nurses were polite and cheerful, so I'm glad I came here.

  • Ko Mo

    Ko Mo


    ☆I don't want to give it a 1. It is better not to go to this clinic. If the doctor finds it troublesome, he or she will immediately recommend seeing an internal medicine specialist. At first glance, he seems to be a calm doctor, but he seems to have some quirks. Some of the nurses are friendly and nice, but the older nurse in charge is the worst. They give me wrong information and only say what they want to say. There was no compassion or consideration, and the treatment was unbelievable for a medical professional. It is better to work while thinking about how you would feel if you were in the patient's position. I will never go there again.

  • 診療子



    I took a CT scan. After being diverted to another hospital, the doctor told me there was nothing wrong with the test results and recommended that I see a psychiatrist. The teacher was the one who was exaggerating that something was wrong, but he didn't seem to remember what he said. I don't know = recommend a psychiatrist I don't think it's a professional job.

  • ハマ



    This was my first time going here because my son was injured. Everyone was very kind, from the receptionist to the nurses to the teachers. Above all, the receptionist and even the nurses played with my son who was playing around without making unpleasant faces. The teacher also said, ``Dad, don't worry, it's okay.'' I was really relieved that you looked me in the eye and talked to me. It's a very good clinic 😊

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