Sawaoto Onsen Ryokan Utsumi i Rifu

JapanSawaoto Onsen Ryokan Utsumi


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Myojinzawa-1 Sugaya, Rifu, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0122, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-356-3145
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Latitude: 38.3412659, Longitude: 140.9488855

kommentar 5

  • 片岡純一



    hot spring sommelier note I used it for a day trip bath. The path from the parking lot to the inn has a natural shape, allowing you to reach the entrance comfortably. As for the bath, those who know the quality of the hot spring water, which has a pH of 9.0 and also contains metasilicic acid, will know that the water is moist. It's 100% sourced from the source, but the temperature is low, so we heat it up, but it's around 40 degrees Celsius. I've decided to repeat this bath because I can relax and feel relaxed...Even though it's only 15 minutes from my house, I regret missing out on it until now.

  • 鈴木貴之



    On the way back from a day trip to the hot springs, I had Satoyama's handmade ice cream strawberry flavor. The strawberries had a chewy texture and were delicious. 😋 The hot springs have an open-air bath and an indoor bath, and I personally liked the indoor bath as it was warm.

  • 西口和也



    I used it for a day trip for the first time. The customer service is good for those staying overnight. The evaluation is high. However, they probably don't want to pay 700 yen for day-trippers. Looking at the reviews, there were other people who gave similar reviews to me. I visited around noon and was served by a slightly older woman. ``I'd like to pay by PayPay for a day trip,'' I said, showing the screen, ``It's 700 yen.'' There was no reaction. ``Please push,'' the lady said immediately. It's a phrase that makes you want to press it quickly. After paying, he retreated to the back without saying a word. I guess you'll find out about the bathhouse once you get to the back. There was no explanation whatsoever. Although we talk about history on our website, it seems that communication with people has been left behind. Today's ticket vending machines are still more polite. The lack of care can be seen everywhere in the open-air bath, with large spider webs in prominent places and dirt on the glass. Even if the person who came after me rang the doorbell once, they were chatting and didn't seem to notice. I could clearly hear the conversation. Apparently he came out the second time the doorbell rang. Although I have used many places for day trips, this was the first time I had such customer service that I would give a negative rating. disappointing.

  • ぷっちゃん



    I stayed here for one night the other day. One night and two meals included is 59,400 yen (2 people), which is a high-end price range for our family. In this price range, inns with rooms with open-air baths are also an option. This time, I chose this restaurant because the reviews for the food were very good, even though it doesn't have an open-air bath. First of all, regarding the room, it was a basic room plan, but it was a clean and quiet space with two rooms. There is an indoor bath and an outdoor bath, and although it is not large, it is good enough. The food is worth mentioning.Although I have never eaten at a Japanese restaurant, it feels like I am eating at a restaurant like that. A rich and elaborate meal We took our time (about 2 hours and 30 minutes) to enjoy each dish (while listening to explanations of the dishes and utensils), and we were very impressed. If you think about the food at this inn as a standard, any restaurant will be a blur. Even if it didn't have an open-air bath, I was satisfied with the food.

  • Green Odori

    Green Odori


    Much more modern than I thought. The hot spring is hypotonic alkaline water. There are both indoor and outdoor bath connected within the area. Not very spacious. There are four showers for body wash.

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