Hotel Urashimasou i Rifu

JapanHotel Urashimasou


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Idojiri-129 Akanuma, Rifu, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0101, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-366-2131
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Latitude: 38.3509901, Longitude: 141.0435294

kommentar 5

  • おやいずさん



    I used it on a business trip to Shiogama Port. Although the price is 9,000 yen for one night and two meals, all the meals are delicious and the portions are plentiful. There is no bath in the guest room, so you will have to use the large communal bath on another floor. There is no elevator, but it only goes up to the 3rd floor, so that's not a problem. There were so many turtle bugs that I couldn't open the window.

  • w ww (ppprn)

    w ww (ppprn)


    After hearing about it from a friend, I decided to take advantage of the day trip private hot spring plan. At other places, private baths with rooms are for 2 hours, so I thought it was very reasonable for 5 hours with lunch included. In terms of atmosphere, it's like the third day after returning to my grandmother's house in the countryside. lol It was so comfortable that I ended up taking a nap after eating. The customer service at the reception desk is very quick and easy, so if you are looking for good customer service, I think it would be best to go to a large inn like that. The rice was really filling and satisfying. It was so delicious that I wanted to try it in another season. The person who served the food was also kind and helpful. Lunch drinks will not be provided unless you ask at the front desk when checking in, so please be careful if you want drinks. There are two private baths, Kame-no-Yu and Tamatebako-no-Yu, and I enjoyed both, and the atmosphere was nice, and above all, I was really happy to be able to take a bath with my companions. You can enjoy the private bath for up to 50 minutes at a time. Kamenoyu had an indoor bath and an open-air bath. The hot water at Tamatebako is quite hot, so be careful if you don't like hot water. Personally, I thought it was very good, so I wanted to stay there as well.

  • Dennis Dennis

    Dennis Dennis


    Really felt personally looked after by the staff here. (Despite my terrible tourist Japanese - this isn't Tokyo where almost everyone speaks some English) A very fine dinner, & pleasant baths.

  • Asbjørn Jørgensen

    Asbjørn Jørgensen


    Nice view over the bay, nice room, the food was amazing. Lots and lots of very delicious seafood - as fresh as I've ever had it. For an authentic Japanese experience, this is a must

  • ZERO



    Great views and location for a good price. The food is great and features local specials!

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