Sapporo-Kosei General Hospital en Sapporo

JapónSapporo-Kosei General Hospital


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8-chōme-5 Kita 3 Jōhigashi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-261-5331
sitio web:
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Latitude: 43.0675153, Longitude: 141.3692772

comentarios 5

  • 須藤直樹



    I was referred from another hospital and underwent atrial fibrillation ablation surgery at the cardiology department. The teacher was kind, gentle, dependable, and trustworthy. All the nurses who took care of me were kind and I was able to undergo surgery and be hospitalized without any worries. I'm really thankful to you.

  • 誠訃



    He started going to the hospital because his liver values ​​were high due to alcohol. Drinking alcohol is worse, but I think there's a point. When I was really sick, I went to see a different doctor, but he was a psychiatrist, not a gastroenterologist. I don't know why Dr. N is examining me either. Even though I said I was worried about hepatitis or liver cirrhosis, no CT scans were taken.

  • ifocus ifocus

    ifocus ifocus


    My partner was attended to very quickly and carefully. Nurses and doctor were attentive, respectful and most importantly extremely patient with us as we spoke no Japanese. Google translate did some translation from us. We just want to thank Sapporo-Kosei GH for the wonderful work you guys did ! Thank you very much! From Australia.

  • ああ



    During my medical checkup at this hospital, I was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. I was told that the Diabetes Department was not currently accepting new patients, so I was introduced to the Yuri Ono Internal Medicine Clinic near Sapporo Station. The location is near Naebo Station, and there is a large parking lot and bus stop, so it is easy to access. It seems to be a famous hospital for gastroenterology. There was a Doutor and Lawson in the hospital.

  • 大和



    Thank you! This group supports the entire medical care in Hokkaido. Hospitals are indispensable, especially for people with life-threatening illnesses. For first-time patients, a letter of introduction is required (excluding some departments *For details, see the website)

El hospital más cercano

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