Go Home Care Clinic en Sapporo

JapónGo Home Care Clinic



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒060-0051 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 1 Jōhigashi, 2-chōme−8−2 SR札幌流通倉庫ビル 1階
contactos teléfono: +81 11-802-7823
sitio web: go-zaitaku-clinic.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0602968, Longitude: 141.3597717

comentarios 5

  • あじさん



    This is a home-based hospital that took great care of my father. The hospital director and all the nurses not only provided medical support, but also provided emotional encouragement with thoughtful words to my family, who were caring for my father, on each visit. Sometimes they even came to my house late at night. My father, who hated hospitals, had absolute trust in Gou Home Clinic, saying, ``He's the best doctor I've ever had.'' To our family, each and every teacher who took care of us was a hero! I think my father was truly lucky to have been treated by such wonderful doctors and nurses at the end of his life. Thank you until the end.

  • makubex〆



    Regardless of other doctors and staff, the top person is at a level that disqualifies him as a doctor. As others have written, it is better to study everything from the beginning, including the content.

  • あゆみ(AYUMI)



    I've used Mitene Call Doctor twice. The first time, my daughter was so sick that neither I nor the pediatrician was able to see her at night, so when I first requested her, a very kind doctor came to see me, gave me words of sympathy, and prescribed medication. After that, I went to the pediatrician's office and had a thorough examination. The second time I had a fever was on Saturday, and I requested it because the pediatrician's office finished in the morning and the hospital on duty was far away. The doctor told me that my tonsils weren't swollen and that I'd have to get them tested tomorrow, so I went to the pediatrician the next day and found that my tonsils were swollen and tests showed that I had streptococcus. I returned home with the same medicine prescribed when I visited the doctor. It was very difficult for me to take my sick child to the hospital at night, so this was really helpful. Thank you for coming to see me from a distance while wearing protective gear.

  • ももひろ



    Thank you for your help at Mitene Call Doctor. He was a very soft-spoken doctor who spoke kindly to the children and explained the medicines carefully. It was a holiday so it was very helpful.

  • りあ



    My 6 month old son had a fever for the first time. I used Mitene's home doctor. At that time, a person from this clinic came to see me. He was a really, really nice person and was very helpful. This is a service that I would like to use again. Since it is my first child, She carefully taught me how to use suppositories and the medicines one by one, and although I was a little reluctant to use medicines on my child, I feel safe using them.

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