Tamano Clinics w Tochigi

JaponiaTamano Clinics



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-6-3 Katayanagichō, Tochigi, 328-0053, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 282-22-3777
strona internetowej: www.citydo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.3728988, Longitude: 139.723911

komentarze 5

  • to ya

    to ya


    I don't even want to give it a ★. The person at the reception is very unpleasant. Not thinking about the patient. I couldn't stop coughing, so when I called to see a doctor, he told me to go elsewhere and refused. It's the worst.

  • ポリンキー



    My 2 year old daughter takes care of me every time she has a cold. The medicine you prescribed is very effective and my cold gets better quickly. My daughter doesn't like powdered medicine, so she asked me to make it into syrup, and she was very kind. She also told me that if the medicine had to be powdered, I would make it taste like orange juice. When I have a cold, I have to go outside to take care of it, but the nurses run to my car and the pharmacists are very courteous. I am always grateful for your help.

  • ピピ



    I learned this at a pharmacy, and the receptionist was the doctor's wife. Please note that there is a sign prohibiting the use of ballpoint pens and walking sticks in the waiting room. I'm surprised they even take a copy of your driver's license for what reason.

  • まぁまぁ



    Like the others, I went with an escort and had my driver's license copied without permission. I have never heard of anything like this at other hospitals. Also, my family was going to be admitted to a large hospital and they wanted me to get a referral letter from an internal medicine doctor, so I accompanied them to this internal medicine department, but they didn't write me a referral letter. I'm adamant that if you bring your medicine notebook with you, you'll be fine. The doctor also seemed to think that if I was being treated at a large hospital, it wouldn't matter anymore, and he acted in a curt manner. Others were treated badly. I can't write it all here. I was just surprised to think that my family had been going to an internal medicine clinic like this for so many years.

  • A Y

    A Y


    When a friend of mine accompanied me to this hospital, he asked me to show him my driver's license, and he took a photocopy of it without asking. I was surprised. I have never heard of such a response anywhere else, and personally I was very surprised. Was this response to the attendant necessary? I think they should have at least obtained the person's consent if they were to make a copy.

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