SanjinsanjinOkamoto i Kobe




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3-chōme-6-17 Motoyama Kitamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0003, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-411-5707
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7279202, Longitude: 135.2782101

kommentar 5

  • タツロー



    ◼ It didn't leave a particular impact on me. ◼ Pork bone soup ◼ Mysterious system where if you order a set meal, you will receive 1 piece of chashu minus one piece. I visited here for the first time in a while, thinking of having a hearty lunch. I had a basic tonkotsu type ramen, but I had no complaints. It just didn't have any impact. There are several types of set meals, and this time I chose the Kakuni set meal.I don't know if it's due to the recent rise in costs, but there is a mysterious system in which when you order a set meal, you get one less piece of chashu. I guess it's a bit rushed I was so happy that when I ordered rice, it was served in a bowl with a lid (a round bowl?).

  • Junichi Minakata

    Junichi Minakata


    Great ramen. Loved the shoyu based bowl

  • 野村てつお



    I had the boiled egg ramen. The rich but low viscosity pork bone soup was delicious, entwined with the chewy thin noodles. The char siu bowl has less fat and is light. For lunch, Takana will be served. The restaurant quickly fills up with only 10 seats at the counter and 4 seats at a table, but it is kept very clean.

  • まっきー



    I like soy sauce-based ramen, so I ordered it without hesitation. The inside of the ramen shop was just the right size, with a counter and a four-seater table at the entrance. The gyoza was crunchy and juicy and went well with the ramen, so I ended up eating it quickly because it matched my timing. I think it means it was delicious.

  • C Murley

    C Murley


    This place is great. I had the chashu rice and chashu ramen. It came with a little side of kimchi which was delicious and the noodles were cooked a little more than al dente. The tonkatsu broth was rich and so creamy. I tried to get in here for lunch before and it was so busy so I came back at 2pm and got in. It's a bit small but worth the wait.

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