Ristorante Bellini i Ashiya

JapanRistorante Bellini



🕗 åbningstider

2-17 Tsukiwakachō, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0084, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 797-32-1777
internet side: www.bellini-ashiya.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.733776, Longitude: 135.301381

kommentar 5

  • SENA



    Went for lunch to celebrate a friend's birthday. The atmosphere was good and the food was delicious. If you make an early reservation, you can get a window seat on the second floor. I was able to relax and enjoy my lunch. The beef stew in wine has a slightly strong seasoning. The fish was also delicious. The bread was homemade grissini and was delicious, so I had two refills. The fresh ginger gelato for dessert is delicious~ After the meal, we were shown to the cafe next door and ate tiramisu and crepes again. The cafe has a nice atmosphere and I would like to visit again.

  • Kelly John Namura

    Kelly John Namura


    Had an enjoyable lunch with friendly service

  • D “Anzen”

    D “Anzen”


    A little pricy but for a special occasion worth every yen. The food is simply superb – we had the “November Course” which includes 7 separate dishes. At first we were worried that it would be too much, but there was no need for concern. More than enough to satisfy your taste buds but not to the point of excess. You could tell how much effort had gone into preparing each dish. Fresh, beautifully presented and melt in your mouth delicious. The waiter was friendly and helpful, and the atmosphere was unpretentious elegance. He even quietly checked to make sure I was okay with the fugu (it was wonderful). As it was obviously my birthday, they brought a nice chocolate greeting during dessert and took our photograph which they presented at the end of the meal. A wonderful experience.

  • Paul T

    Paul T


    Delicious meal in a lovely setting near to the station. Open building with big windows means it feels airy. Staff were helpful but a little rushed off their feet; could do with another hand I think. Food was really tasty. Good value for money. Recommended.

  • Linda Tappenden

    Linda Tappenden


    A great meal with old friends.

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