Sanisueten i Sue




🕗 åbningstider

488-1 Sue, Kasuya District, Fukuoka 811-2113, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-932-0717
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5961144, Longitude: 130.5043716

kommentar 5

  • 74 筑紫三郡

    74 筑紫三郡


    Sunny has a poor selection. I feel like it's surviving because there aren't many shops around.

  • 古賀秀子



    Although the product lineup is not very diverse, I think it has basically everything you need.If I had to say, I hate the parking lot and the small number of cars that can be parked.

  • chan gao

    chan gao


    Sunny is not open 24 hours...The building is showing its age. Sometimes the freezer in the frozen ice cream corner breaks down, so we recommend that you be careful when purchasing. Meat and fish are also common. The price also seems a little higher than normal.

  • Sakai 369

    Sakai 369


    I bought a lot of Garigari-kun for my nephew to play with, but when I opened them, they were all deformed! ! Now that I think about it, I thought the store's freezer was a little lukewarm. Well, it's not like the contents were leaking, but since I brought it home with me, I can't complain. I remembered that a few years ago when I bought Monaca ice cream, the contents had melted.

  • 川床スマ子



    The things I shop for here are the seaweed soup that my colleague told me about (everyone's approval) (contains a lot of seaweed and fragrant sesame seeds), and the bananas I eat every morning (it's cheap but the fruit is plump. Maybe it depends on the time of year) ), is there a bakery inside the store? I don't know if their bread is still available, but it's made with miso from a small farm.

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