Joint Tatara shop i Fukuoka

JapanJoint Tatara shop



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-7-7 Tatara, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, 813-0033, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-674-3223
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6305224, Longitude: 130.4481732

kommentar 5

  • Tosh Saw (Sawatoshi)

    Tosh Saw (Sawatoshi)


    I stopped by during my trip, and the sashimi, sushi, and strawberries were all very fresh and delicious.

  • ぽんゆき



    Saturday before 5pm I was excited by the freshness and variety of fish🐟 There were many fish sold individually✨ It was easy to look around the store, and I thought the prices were fairly average. Kashiwa Nigiri was sweeter than other shops and was very delicious🍙 There is a fried chicken specialty store and a kimchi specialty store in the parking lot, and it's amazing how full it is ✨ The parking lot was spacious, and there was a collection box for empty cans and other things at the back. It's about 6 kilometers away from home, but it's fresh. I would like to use it again when I want fish 😍

  • よしまる



    Best of all, the vegetables are fresh. I think the company is making an effort despite having a lot of competition. Frozen foods are cheap on Saturdays, so I buy ice cream and stock up. Personally, I would like to see more sweets for children.

  • tyuunen



    When I casually went shopping, they gave me 10 10% off stickers. I was told by the mature woman at the cash register that I could use it on Thursdays. It says that you have to apply it yourself to the items you put in your shopping cart. 10% is equivalent to consumption tax (8% for food). I put it on the product I bought and went to the cash register to see if it really happened. I was impressed. My only complaint is that when I remove this sticker from the backing paper, it always breaks halfway. It looks normal and will not peel off. I'm very methodical, so I peel off the remaining scraps and paste them back on. It's a pain. There may still be some in stock, but I would like to see this improvement the next time I produce it. Another thing that impressed me was a cardboard box of 5-6 ripe tomatoes (quite large) for 50 yen. When I asked the young male clerk if it was a mistake, he said, ``It's cheap for a reason.'' I like it fully ripe, so I was happy to buy it. It was sweet and my favorite flavor. My house is close to Sa-Shokusenkan and Makyo, but when I want to eat meat, I go to the joint. All the women at the cash register seem to love each other and I have a good impression of them. It's good that it's not yokogi.

  • BisDak nga Hapon

    BisDak nga Hapon


    They sell imported goods. I love it. Korean products are cheaper here compared to other stores.

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