you me Mart Hanase i Iizuka

Japanyou me Mart Hanase



🕗 åbningstider

168-2 Hanase, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0045, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 948-26-0018
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6421063, Longitude: 130.6582171

kommentar 5

  • masahiro yanase

    masahiro yanase


    I go there often because it's close to my house, but there aren't many customers. Should I go to a big supermarket?

  • 門ボッチ



    The atmosphere inside the store and the cash register are so dark that there's not even a single smile.

  • よしだゆきみ



    I'm not dissatisfied with the store's location or product lineup, but I think the cashiers should be trained more. Even though I was told to use a tray to exchange money, they tried to hand me change, and when I was lining up at the cash register, they pulled my cart over without saying a word and placed it roughly on the table, which made me uncomfortable. It was. I wouldn't think this much if someone called me out. At the end, when I asked him to put the change on the tray, he said, "Yes, yes." The cashier's name was Fujiharu. This is a place where I often go shopping, so it's a shame because I've never felt this way about other people working there.

  • pa pa

    pa pa


    The products in the store are generally good. The cash register... If you're ugly and have dyed your hair and you're unfriendly, there's no merit in it. The customer takes the money while they are leaving it, so I don't know how much money they left, and I get irritated by the rough way they take it.

  • m i

    m i


    I think the products are good, probably because it's affiliated with Youme Town. Perishables are fresh. The store is clean, and most of the employees are very nice. When I went home from work, the cashier said to me, ``Thank you for your hard work! Please be careful!'' I felt very happy. She smiles and talks to my children, so I use her often, even though it's a little far from home.

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