Sakana Cafe w Fuji

JaponiaSakana Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

350-7 Nakajima, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0907, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 90-2615-5194
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1609583, Longitude: 138.6530296

komentarze 5

  • まるこーん



    The cost performance of the food is amazing! It's cheap and there's a lot of it. Some of the flavors are too strong, but considering the price, I'm generally satisfied. However, it may not be the case every time, but they are very strict about ordering only ramen and pasta, and those who eat and drink quietly. Masu. I think it's a good restaurant for people who get along well with the staff and other customers, but there are many temporary closures, so it's not a restaurant that you can easily recommend to others, so be careful.

  • こー



    I'm just trying to eat rice I visited 4 times and was turned down 3 times. Even if you go when the store opens or an hour after it opens, it won't work. After that, when I went there for the fourth time, I was told that it was out of the norm to come with only food and that I should not come again. I do not understand what it means If so, why the fourth time? postscript I don't know if the owner said that, but he did. definitely

  • Fumフム



    The food is delicious. It's thriving

  • 宮崎泰一



    Fuji City's local gourmet "Fuji Tsuke Neapolitan" is also available!

  • KT



    Despite being open from 8pm to 3am. It seems to be very crowded every day. Popular translation: "Cheap! Delicious! Huge!" Most interesting menu I ordered "Castle of Cagliostro Meat Dumpling Spaghetti". It's the same size as a certain famous anime movie! Everything here is surprisingly sized, whether it's bowls or noodles! Be careful not to ask for too much when ordering! Don't take any menu lightly!

najbliższy Restauracja

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