Katsumasa Takaoka Branch w Fuji

JaponiaKatsumasa Takaoka Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

599-1 Iriyamase, Fuji, Shizuoka 419-0204, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 545-72-3100
strona internetowej: katsumasa.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1978339, Longitude: 138.6461295

komentarze 5

  • 佐野大樹



    ``Katsumasa Takaoka store''. I visited for lunch after a long time. Choose loin lunch 👍!! ️ Loin cutlet (100g) fried shrimp 🍤 Cabbage, yam, white rice 🍚 I got the pork soup! Anyway, Mr. Katsumasa's pork cutlet was fried crispy and had a fun texture, the meat was soft, and the fat of the meat was quite sweet and it was very delicious 😋 You can refill the rice 🍚, miso soup, pork soup, and cabbage as much as you like, so you'll be sure to fill your stomach and heart😆!! ️ The customer service of the store staff is also kind and polite ✌️ Thank you for the meal 🙏 Thank you 🤗

  • I E

    I E


    I stopped by after sauna. It was Sunday lunchtime, but I was able to get in without lining up. The price at Fuji Pork is just under 2,000 yen including consumption tax. I thought it would be a little expensive, but it was worth it. You can get unlimited refills of cabbage, pork soup, tea, rice, etc. What's more, you can change the rice to barley rice, and it also comes with grated yam. The cabbage is served first. That cabbage is also delicious. It's juicy, thinly sliced, and comes with a dressing (sesame and Japanese style). The tea is from Makinohara and is rich and delicious. Tonkatsu can be flavored in a variety of ways: rock salt → grated wasabi → mustard soy sauce → sauce. I found rock salt to be the best. I had a second helping of cabbage, tea, and pork soup. The store staff are also very polite and have a good impression. It was a satisfying meal that you could enjoy in a variety of ways.

  • F. I

    F. I


    Masago group pork cutlet restaurant Nowadays, the store called Katsumasa may be more famous than the Masago Group. Centered around Fuji City, we have Fujioka store, Takaoka store, Hara store, Kannami store, Ryunan store in Shizuoka city, and Takamatsu store. There are three types of pork, including the branded pork "Fuji no Kuni Pork", black pork, and domestic pork. Aizuwakamatsu rice, love at first sight The rice is sticky and fluffy. You can get unlimited refills of rice, miso soup (pork soup, rockweed miso soup), pickles, and cabbage. Fresh tea is offered around May every year. I get the impression that a lot of people come here with their families and three generations, including grandparents. The point of Katsumasa is that in addition to table seats, there are also tatami rooms. Although it is crowded during the Golden Week and Obon periods, it is a perfect store for families. Recently, orders have been placed using tablets. Refills are also available on tablets, making it easy to order without hesitation.

  • ra ra

    ra ra



  • Kenderick Lin

    Kenderick Lin


    Bento was exceptionally delicious. A warm and cozy place to spend the evening if you are not in a hurry.

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