Sakae Sushi en Uki

JapónSakae Sushi



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒869-0624 Kumamoto, Uki, 小川町江頭Egashira−363−1
contactos teléfono: +81 964-43-1718
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.5957069, Longitude: 130.7009888

comentarios 5

  • 白撥中



    I had sushi for lunch 🍴🙏 The inside of the store is like an aquarium, with many fish such as large trout, sea bream, flounder, horse mackerel, and spiny lobster roaming around in the tanks and cages, so small children will be very happy, and the tatami room is You can see the garden, and the private room is perfect for privacy❗ The sushi has large toppings and rolls, and the price is reasonable, but compared to before, the taste felt normal 😅 For the great value lunch menu, you can only choose Sakae Hiru Gozen, and although there is chirashi sushi, there is no seafood bowl, and for lunch, the menu is small and you have to choose a la carte menu😅 However, the spiny lobster was priced at the market price, so I'd like to try it next time.

  • 寺本雄一郎



    This sushi restaurant has an impressive large fish tank and is quite famous locally. You can eat fresh fish sushi and sashimi. The food was delicious, but I felt that the customer service was a bit disappointing as the food I ordered sometimes did not arrive.

  • 。、



    Putting everything aside, I was surprised by the fish tank! The price is reasonable, the arms are average. Contrary to its appearance, the portion is large, so you will be full. The miso soup bowl looks like it would be served at my parents' house on New Year's Day (you'll know it when you see it) Considering the price, it should be clean.

  • indra Andriana

    indra Andriana


    Sashimi very delicious, service was good, i like the room's style, it's like bringing me to the old Japanese house

  • 天津信隆




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