Saiseikai Shiga Prefecture Hospital w Ritto

JaponiaSaiseikai Shiga Prefecture Hospital


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-4-1 Ōhashi, Ritto, Shiga 520-3046, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 77-552-1221
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Latitude: 35.033963, Longitude: 136.0017981

komentarze 5

  • Doggy Man

    Doggy Man


    If you don't like having to wait or have to deal with salt, I think you should just go to another facility. Large hospitals in the acute phase always accept patients with sudden illnesses, so it is natural that they have priority. I went to the neurosurgery department, and I received proper medical care, the room was comfortable, and the care I received during my stay was better than at other hospitals.

  • SS



    I am having a health check here. It is good to get the results of the blood test on the same day and have the doctor explain it to you. I would also appreciate it if the gastrocamera was done under sedation.

  • ぐりとぐら



    Everyone has been suffering from illness or injury and is experiencing a lot of anxiety and pain, such as, ``I was the only one who was treated poorly'' and ``I had to wait even though I had a reservation!'' ''However, my encounter with Saiseikai Hospital made me feel more than grateful that if I hadn't received the medical examination and treatment I received at Saiseikai Hospital, I wouldn't be here alive today. Posting. I had never had a cold before, but my overconfidence and fearful feelings made my symptoms worse, and by the time I got to the hospital, it was too late. Amputation -> treatment -> high fever -> recurrence -> surgery -> treatment -> high fever -> treatment -> recurrence, repeated over and over again. During my 6-month stay in the hospital, I felt tears of blood flow from the bottom of my heart as I carefully and calmly supported the broken feelings that had been hurt during my battle with the disease. No matter how unstable the patient's mental state was, everyone understood the patient's condition with perfect communication, spoke to them appropriately, and sometimes quietly watched over them. Due to the coronavirus pandemic in the first half of 2023, I was unable to meet my family and was mentally exhausted, so I had very difficult, painful, and painful days. The nurses on the west ward on the 9th floor of Saiseikai Hospital supported me with heartfelt care and treatment that went beyond their ``profession.'' I deeply and deeply believe that I am alive today because of the strong and kind care of the teachers, nurses, and staff at Saiseikai Hospital, who treated each person sincerely and gave me gentle, cute encouragement and nursing care with smiles. I am grateful. ``For the sake of all the people I have taken care of here at Saiseikai 9 West, I will never give up, face any difficult treatment, and return home in good health.'' By showing that side of myself, I am able to give back to the nurses and doctors who have cared for me with all my heart.''I was able to motivate myself and move forward. I am. Although I have had more inconveniences due to my illness, I was able to get to know all of the wonderful ``super professional'' members of 9 Nishi along the way, so my life is worth it. I came to think so. I think you are free to write a bad review without feeling uncomfortable or being satisfied with a hospital, shop, or any other place that is related to you or your family. It is also true that many people are extremely grateful for the treatment they received at Saiseikai Hospital. I am posting this to honor the doctors and nurses who all used the same skills to care for each patient with care and heart.

  • 名無し



    I went to the emergency department here at night, and to be honest, it was the worst. The nurse measures the body temperature and oxygen concentration, and the temperature is normal and the oxygen is 100%, so is triage green? For some reason, this question is asked. Then I was called to the examination room, and when I knocked on the door, there was no answer. I had no choice but to join, and from the moment I entered, I found a young female doctor who looked like a trainee doctor, who was always looking at her computer and barely looked at her patients' faces. Even though I told him that I had severe chest pain and hyperventilation, and that I was coughing and vomiting so badly that I vomited three times at home, he just put a stethoscope on me, didn't even bother to examine my throat, and prescribed me painkillers tomorrow morning. My advice is to see an internal medicine specialist at another hospital. I can't sleep at all because of the shortness of breath and nausea, so can I get some anti-nausea medicine? If you ask me, I'll give it to you if you want it, but do you need it? What? I'm asking because I want it... When I was shocked and kept quiet, he asked me the same question again. It seems that both the nurses and doctors here can only perform examinations without independence. I think that would be dangerous in an emergency situation, so I think they could have guessed a new person, but there is no follow-up for such a new person. Even though I had a normal temperature, it was so hard that I couldn't sleep, and even though I didn't have a referral letter and paid a lot of money for night-time treatment, I was never cared for, and the only reference I got was my body temperature and oxygen concentration. *The website states that out-of-hours medical fees will be collected for "minor cases that do not require an emergency," but this decision was made by the receptionist, not the doctor or nurse. (You will be asked to sign a consent form before the nurse triages you) By the way, I vomited once at the hospital while waiting for the checkout, but they just collected the bag and nothing happened. I have previously used another tertiary emergency department in the prefecture for a similar situation, but they treated me very thoroughly and the consultation fees were much cheaper than here. I don't want to use this emergency service ever again.

  • ミルキー



    We suspected that the infant had swallowed a button battery, so we visited the outpatient clinic at night. I was very surprised at how kind and kind everyone was, from the receptionist to the teachers. Instead of blaming me for my lack of supervision, he reassured me and I almost cried... In the end, the battery was not swallowed and the baby was safe. This may have been due to the lack of patients, but I was very relieved.

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