Saboten w Kashima




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒861-3106 Kumamoto, Kamimashiki District, Kashima, Uejima, 字長池 2232番地1065 イオンモール熊本 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 96-237-4129
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.7385976, Longitude: 130.7426366

komentarze 5

  • kazu



    My second visit, I had lunch before 12:00. This time it was empty so I took my time and enjoyed the delicious food.

  • Aruki Tabe

    Aruki Tabe


    I received a katsudon for 1,500 yen. Are you confusing salt and sugar? It was so sweet that I thought I could eat the pork cutlet normally, but it was just normal. Compared to a certain chain store. . . The store staff was nice.

  • 食いしんぼ娘。



    It is located in a so-called commercial facility. Isn't it a common chain store? I went in without any expectations, but My imagination was completely betrayed! First of all The cabbage was extraordinarily delicious! At least, I didn't feel that way with Hamakatsu's cabbage. I was impressed by cabbage (lol) What's the difference? dressing? The quality of cabbage? how to cut? I don't know, but it was delicious anyway. The tonkatsu was delicious overall, However, regarding the minced meat cutlet Hamakatsu with cheese was the winner! Although it is well fried, Soft and rich in menu “I want to eat a little bit of this, this, and this.” You can also achieve things like It was the lineup. Is it a chain store? and, For those who don't like it, a real sense of satisfaction awaits, so please give it a try! Because there is no call ring When ordering a second helping of rice or cabbage I was really confused (°_°)

  • 白撥中



    They specialize in take-out, so I used to take out large fried shrimp 🍤 and half-roast & bite-sized fillet cutlet bento 🍱, but this was my first time eating in and I had the fried scallop platter + crab cream croquette 🍴🙏 Of course, the set meal consists of fried scallops, fried shrimp, and fillet cutlet, and to be honest, this set is ⭕🌟4 However, unlike the photo, if the scallops were fried whole and cut in half like fillet cutlets, it would be easier to eat, and the batter wouldn't come off the scallops😅 The restaurant staff recommends soy sauce, but if you try it, you'll definitely want to try the tartar👌 What's a little disappointing is that there's a lot of shredded cabbage👀 It's too much for one person to eat, and I can't reuse it, so it feels like a waste 😢 The bento box 🍱 has fewer side dishes compared to eat-in due to the price, but for 1,200 yen you can be satisfied. There is a stamp card, and it is valid for 6 months, but there are not many discounts such as 1 stamp for 300 yen and 500 yen for 22 stamps, so this part is recommended 🙋

  • みちゃん



    I ate Saboten's pork cutlet for the first time in a while! Limited time order fried oysters and pork cutlet gozen I'm happy to have hot tea☺️The cabbage comes first! You can refill the rice, cabbage, and miso soup 👍 The crispy pork cutlet was delicious 🐷 The fried oysters were big and filling, as expected 🤤 Saboten-san only has one type of sauce and it's sweet! I think it would be nice to have another type of sauce~💦The store was clean, the atmosphere, and the staff were nice! Thank you for the meal🍴🙏👏

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