Mon paris w Mifune

JaponiaMon paris



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1909-1 Jin, Mifune, Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto 861-3201, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-282-3100
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.723314, Longitude: 130.777056

komentarze 5

  • Mina Tsai

    Mina Tsai


    I was originally planning to go shopping at Costco, but it was crowded and I couldn't find a parking spot, so I decided to have lunch nearby. We had an unexpectedly wonderful time. The burgers were huge, served quickly, and the meat was very juicy and delicious. But what surprised me even more was the take-out dessert. It was really, really delicious. I regret that I should have bought more. Thank you for the meal! I would like to visit again.

  • Ted Joffs (TKJ365)

    Ted Joffs (TKJ365)


    First, some of the reviews are off, so let me clear up a few things. 1) There are 5 seating tables inside, and 3 outside. 2) Parking is spacious. 3) It is not a small building, especially for Japan. Quite spacious, actually. 4) They have drinks. Now, the important part is the food. I almost died and went to heaven when I bit into the cheese burger. You can instantly tell that the bun is baked fresh, the patties are pressed, and perfectly seasoned, the veggies are crisp, and the sauce pairs perfectly. I don't believe I have ever had a better burger. Amazing. The oolong tea is served in a tankard. Fun and plentiful. The coffee is traditional Japanese size. The desert I asked for 'Omakase' to see what they suggested. I was surprised it was not the cheesecake but rather a strawberry shortcake that was light, airy, pleasantly subtle in sweetness, and really great. Overall, phenomenal. Ignore the three star reviews. Just try it. Update: I feel stupid. The tankard is clearly an homage to One Piece... Duh.

  • Kuroda



    We were also able to eat in just the cake. It was very reasonable at 250-300 yen each, and the coffee was also 300 yen. I would like to go there if it was close to my house. The rare cheesecake was rich and delicious. There is a self-service water server. The hamburger also looked delicious. I'll come again ^^

  • happy day

    happy day


    When I came here for the first time in a few years, it had become a cake shop 🍰 and a hamburger shop 🍔. I think the price of cakes has gone up considerably, perhaps due to the rise in prices. This time, we are looking for a hamburger that has received very good reviews💨 A few customers in front of me were also looking for hamburgers. There was no place to sit for takeout, so I waited for 10 minutes, feeling the sense of lack of whereabouts in the small store. The hamburger was very delicious. The patty was handmade and had a meaty texture that was completely different from chain burgers. The fresh lettuce and tomatoes were also very delicious, and I thought this was the place to go for a burger. They seem to have limited edition burgers every month, so you'll probably want to go there at least once a month. There is a spacious parking lot in the back.

  • Robert Dykes

    Robert Dykes


    I want to preface this review that I came here for the burger and the burger was REALLY good. So why 3 stars? Is this a pastry shop or a hamburger stand or a pastry shop. It's divided attention is obvious and some very tiny things can be done to improve at least the hamburger half. No drinks. Yeah... No drinks. A thimble sized cup of water is your only options. Why can't you sell little 100 yen cans for soda or normal size cans or put a drink machine somewhere on the premise. It's just weird you have dining but no drinks for sale. Many hamburger stands also have special in house made sodas. You have the fruit and stuff. Why not make custom fruit sodas? At the very very least, sell bottles of tea and water. Next. No condiments?! They have really.good fries, but who likes fries with nothing at all to dip or cover them in? The burger needed no extra ketchup or mustard. It had the perfect mix and amount of honey mustard, ketchup and mayo. It needed nothing extra, that speaks volumes. I give the burger a near perfect score. I didn't buy any pastries. Really not a fan of Japanese pastries. So no comment there.

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