初鮮 w Kumamoto




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-5-8 Shinsei, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0908, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-369-6272
strona internetowej: hassen.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 32.7781358, Longitude: 130.7595573

komentarze 5

  • é””ć§ć‹ćƒ—ćƒŖć‚Ŗ



    @8,000 yen course Courses start from 5,000 yen? What's the difference? When I asked when making a reservation, the answer was "quality"! quality! Well then, @8,000 please. The staff come right away when you call them, and the food is served smoothly. As expected from a long-established store - stress-free It's great for a dinner with a few people in the Kengun area in Kumamoto.

  • Hiroshi Nonome

    Hiroshi Nonome


    Only reservations are required, and there are no menus, just two course meals. It's a very ordinary izakaya in terms of appearance and interior, but the food is excellent. The sashimi platter is loaded with lots of fish, including live spiny lobster, all thickly sliced. The freshness and taste are both wonderful. All the other dishes are delicious and the portions are plentiful, making you very satisfied. The cheaper course is priced at 6,500 yen, and the content is exceptional. Payment is by cash only.

  • ē™½ę’„äø­



    At the celebration dinner, we had a course meal šŸ“šŸ™ It's been a while since I last visited, and the course prices have gone up, perhaps due to the rising cost of ingredients, but the food was still delicious as always. The menu was completely the same, from the crab miso and peanut tofu appetizers to the coffee mousse dessert, but the only thing that had changed was that the Ise lobster was served grilled instead of grilled on a charcoal grill. Hey šŸ™‹ You can reserve only 3 types of dishes for the course in advance, and the rest will be served according to the timing of your meal, so you can enjoy a satisfying moment with delicious food šŸ‘ļø The sashimi, prawns, kalbi yakiniku, beef shabu, etc. are still as delicious as before, but the menu is almost the same, so you'll only want to eat it once a year.

  • 悏恏悏恏



    It was my first time at this shop. The course is 4,800 yen per person. Well, the food was incredibly delicious! The photo with spiny lobster in the photo will serve 5 people. Tofu similar to Jimami tofu with rich sesame sauce and rich crab miso. I was beaten from the beginning! delicious! It was a blissful moment from beginning to end. There is no all-you-can-drink option, but you have to order a single item. Smoking is not allowed inside the store, and when I asked for an ashtray, they prepared an ashtray outside. To say the least, I was impressed by how delicious the soup stock was. Even though the staff at the restaurant were busy, the arrangements were made well and the drinks were served smoothly. After the hot pot at the end, he uses Ojiya. I was very satisfied with the 4800 yen course.

  • bliss bliss

    bliss bliss


    I visited him for the first time in 3 years. The top courseā­ļøŽ It's amazing that this material is available at this price! Meat, sashimi, spiny lobster, crab miso... thank you very much! I don't think the food has changed from 3 years ago. Will I get tired of going over and over again? Although the food is made with high-quality ingredients, the meat is grilled on a charcoal grill (it smells like clothes), and the tatami room has cushions, so I think it's best to wear comfortable clothes that can be easily washed, rather than wearing skirts or fancy clothes. *Ā“Ļ‰ļ½€*)

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