Rumoi Shinkin Bank Shinkawa Branch w Sapporo

JaponiaRumoi Shinkin Bank Shinkawa Branch



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15-chōme-3-16 Kita 28 Jōnishi, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0028, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-716-6611
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0984037, Longitude: 141.3256118

komentarze 3

  • Y K

    Y K


    When opening a personal account, in addition to a business start-up notification, a printed copy of the electronic application results and a contract with another company were requested. The person in charge of the matter gave an excuse, saying, ``We do not suspect fraud,'' but that excuse was unsatisfactory, and there was no explanation as to the validity of the request. In today's world, insisting on written confirmation is an anachronism and goes against the trend of digitalization. The act of asking a customer to present a contract with a business partner even though it is not an application for a loan violates the privacy of the customer and must be said to be unethical as a financial institution. . The acting branch manager who calmly takes such outdated measures lacks the pride of being a financial professional. Rather than gaining the trust of customers, they will only end up increasing distrust and damaging the reputation of financial institutions. This incident is a symbol of the stagnation of the Japanese economy, and clearly illustrates the current situation where people who have been left behind by the times are widespread. Although I regret that I had to waste my precious time, it also served as an opportunity for me to renew my determination to forge a new path with my own hands, without relying on such an outdated organization.

  • rl ri

    rl ri


    This branch is fine, but the old executives who screen the main branch in Rumoi are old-fashioned and stiff, so it's hard to talk to them.

  • ぼっくん



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