North Pacific Bank Kita 24 Jō Branch w Sapporo

JaponiaNorth Pacific Bank Kita 24 Jō Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-1-30 Kita 23 Jōnishi, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0023, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-716-9191
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.089295, Longitude: 141.34447

komentarze 5

  • あやか



    I don't want to add ☆. I went to change my name. A week after the change, I still hadn't received my cash card, so I called to confirm. A woman answered the phone and told me to wait because they didn't look into anything and it would take 2 weeks. Three weeks after the name change, they still didn't come, so I contacted them again. A man answered the phone and checked. I was told that it would take a month because it had a credit card function, and that I could apply after checking, so please wait. A month and a half after applying, I still didn't receive my cash card, so I called the credit card company instead of the branch and was told that the name change application had not been submitted. The credit card company contacted the branch to confirm, and then the branch called to apologize. However, even though I called the branch twice to confirm, I have no idea if this is going to happen. What exactly did you check? I found out because I called the credit card company for the third time, but if I had called the branch again, I might have been kept waiting. At first, I thought that I couldn't do the confirmation work. In the end, even though it was just a name change, I had to wait two months after applying, which was very inconvenient, and I still haven't received my card. I don't want to make any transactions or changes in this branch.

  • シオフィ―ルド



    I went to make a deposit yesterday. Touch "Deposit" as usual, and the banknotes and coins will be displayed... What? When did it change? I was only able to deposit in paper money, so I clicked... In my mind, I thought the next screen would change to specify the amount... Something...the letters on the change...what is this? Half panicking in my head, I touched the change display and was able to specify the amount. I was able to operate it somehow, but even though the operating method that I had been accustomed to for decades was suddenly changed, I couldn't help but think, Wow!

  • 林秀子



    There are many people who feel good about it and those who don't. I don't think they are a regular customer, so I don't have high expectations, but I think the response is normal.

  • maeda H.

    maeda H.


    I was there first in line at the ATM, but the young woman behind me told me to go first. I was told this by an old bank employee who was wandering around as a guide. I was in a hurry and just looked at what was going on in front of me, but No matter how I think about it, I'm still not convinced. Who was first in line? I was there first, so maybe the woman was behind me? Please check the security camera at around 14:50 on the 28th. I don't think they'll agree the next time I go.

  • M M

    M M


    Perhaps as a precaution against the coronavirus, there is one entrance and separate areas for ATMs and counters, with many staff approaching and shouting, ``Here is the exit'' and ``What kind of business do you need?'' I don't like it no matter how much I wear a mask. Perhaps the people here are providing strange services under the assumption that they are not infected. I would like them to wear vinyl gloves and disinfect the seats with alcohol every time a customer sits down. Don't come near me and try to make contact (lol)

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