日本料理 簾(れん) en Utsunomiya

Japón日本料理 簾(れん)



🕗 horarios

5-12 Honchō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-643-2178
sitio web: www.tobuhotel.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5618925, Longitude: 139.8814517

comentarios 5

  • ねこじろう



    It's been a while since I visited. A dish from the Omakase course Thank you for the meal.

  • J F

    J F


    This is a Japanese restaurant located on the second floor of Tobu Hotel in Utsunomiya. It's about a 10 minute walk from my parents' house, so I was able to use a private room for the 3rd anniversary of my father's death. The photo is of ``Colorful Gozen Takekagomori.'' In addition to this, I ordered three types of Japanese sake to compare, and Tentaka was very delicious. Not only was the food delicious, but the staff was also very attentive, so I would definitely order here again next time.

  • チキン



    I went there after making a reservation for my wedding anniversary. I told them in advance that my wife has a mushroom allergy, but as expected, mushrooms came out, so I told the staff again and they asked for a replacement, but they used the soup stock made from mushrooms as is. Unfortunately, my wife developed abdominal pain an hour later. It was a shame because the food itself was delicious.

  • ソルサボカディージョ



    Congratulations on winning a meal ticket for two people online. Thank you for allowing us to drink and eat without hesitation in a private room. 050407

  • リリハ808HI



    I visited you for dinner as part of my accommodation plan. Guests who stay at the hotel get one free drink, which is a very nice service. I thought it would be nice to have a light dinner, so I made a reservation on Rakuten's great deal that included dinner. The contents were a set meal of tempura and sashimi, similar to what you would eat at lunch, but the tempura was piping hot and the ingredients (shrimp and kisu) tasted fresh, and the sashimi was fresh, including tuna and sole (I usually buy it at home). It was so delicious that it couldn't be compared to the food I eat there. All of the dishes were carefully prepared and of high quality, and the staff were attentive and sophisticated, making it a very satisfying dinner (even more than I expected). It was great to use this!!

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