Kura Handmade Soba en Utsunomiya

JapónKura Handmade Soba



🕗 horarios

7-13 Izumichō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0034, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 28-625-6709
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5627006, Longitude: 139.8780975

comentarios 5

  • MERO 【F】

    MERO 【F】


    The knobs are delicious! ! I went at night and there were a lot of people coming alone. It seemed like many people had a light sake, a quick bite of soba, and then went home. You may be seated together at a small table. It's lively and served quickly! I wonder if the soba-yu won't come out unless I ask for it? Soba is average. Both the soba and beer were lukewarm! Is it because of summer? Drink various types of sake, eat snacks, and finish with soba noodles. It's a store that seems like it's not common, and it had a great atmosphere!

  • I Yuichi

    I Yuichi


    I stopped by while traveling alone. The atmosphere inside the restaurant and the taste of the food were both wonderful. What impressed me most was the staff's hospitality. The service was just wonderful, including taking care to take pictures of the sake. It was a truly satisfying moment. Also, I would like to visit again when I visit Utsunomiya.

  • 地方都市の食いしん坊



    You can eat delicious soba noodles in a historic building. My first experience with wasabi bowl, I ate a strong one once, but I could feel the flavor of wasabi and it was very delicious.

  • Venice Aka

    Venice Aka


    Great soba!

  • Jenny Lee

    Jenny Lee


    Please be kind to foreigner

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