レストラン プラシャンテ en Kitakyushu

Japónレストラン プラシャンテ



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒806-0035 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Yahatanishi Ward, Higashimagarimachi, 3−1 ホテルクラウンパレス北九州 LB階
contactos teléfono: +81 93-631-7717
sitio web: hmihotelgroup.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8579322, Longitude: 130.7623351

comentarios 5

  • ともや



    The restaurant had a great atmosphere and had a great variety of cuisines.

  • 中野眞由美



    I think it's nice because you can enjoy a quiet meal overlooking the pine trees, but I can't recommend it for families with children.

  • Y M

    Y M


    delicious! ! It's a problem because it's delicious. The inside of the store looks like a diner, and everything is old. You can go with your family! I will go alone! Absolutely no dates or lunch with friends.

  • 山田花子



    I used it for lunch, The taste was delicious! I went there on a Wednesday and they had a great deal on Ladies Day. However, the customer service is bad. It's a little strange for a hotel. I thought some people were just standing there dazed, but the moment someone tried to make coffee at the drink bar, they interrupted me and replaced the parts inside, even though there was no error? I was able to start... I'm satisfied with "lunch buffet", but When I think of it as a "hotel buffet," I have a strange feeling. What struck me was that the audience was extremely old. Is it a coincidence or is it because of the location?

  • 石谷実



    It was a little expensive today as it was a Golden Week price, but the taste was great. I made a reservation and went. The reason is that there was a campaign last time and the price was cheap, so when I made a reservation, it was full and I couldn't go. I had a fun meal today. All of them were delicious, but the teppanyaki of meat, shrimp, and squid was the best. The sauce is delicious. I'm planning to go there for lunch next time.

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