Restaurant Ai w Osaka

JaponiaRestaurant Ai



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11-12 Kamiyamachō, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0026, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6316-1094
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7037229, Longitude: 135.5060499

komentarze 5

  • みゆみゆ



    This was my first time using it, and I really liked it! It's a bit of a walk from the station, but the inside of the store is calm and relaxing. The staff were courteous, the food was delicious and reasonably priced, and I was able to enjoy salads, drinks, soups, and miso soup as much as I wanted, so it was very relaxing. The vegetables in the salad also felt fresh. The seats were comfortable, so it was very comfortable. This time I ordered the daily bistro lunch set (1,150 yen including tax) and the sirloin steak set (1,200 yen including tax), both of which I think are worth more than the price. The steak was a bit rare, but it was very tender and delicious. Next time, I would like to be a little more hungry and order the daily special petit dessert. The store was quite air-conditioned, but I later learned that there were blankets available near the cash register. I wish I had noticed it sooner (^_^;)

  • q19 lego

    q19 lego


    I had a steak lunch. 1,200 yen. Salads and soups were self-service. The seats were comfortable. It seemed to be popular with many customers. I got the impression that there were more people using it as a cafe than office workers. It gives the impression that it is a restaurant where you can relax. It seems that PayPay cannot be used.

  • Zrfncy Leaip

    Zrfncy Leaip


    The taste was pretty good. The steak is only 1,200 yen despite the large portion. The taste is way beyond what you pay. Well, It's not that so high of quality, but with this price, i would've admitted that it worth all of your money.

  • B



    I took advantage of the Christmas special dinner. Anyway, the quality of the food is very high. It's really delicious. Considering the convenient location within walking distance from Umeda, this price is really a great deal! I always come here for lunch, and not only the food but also the desserts are homemade and of a high standard, and the carrot cake in particular was exquisite. Personally, I also look forward to the special monthly lunches devised by young chefs. The tables are widely spaced, it's clean, and the staff are always friendly. I will always appreciate your patronage.

  • Victorine聖佳



    When I went to Tenma and Nakazakicho area I stopped by for lunch. ·Daily lunch only on weekdays~ The main dish of the day was Salmon Saikyo-yaki. It goes well with rice and bread. It's food. ·Sirloin steak lunch The meat weighs 150g and is very filling. The sauce is Japanese style sauce or grated daikon radish. You can choose from ponzu sauce. This time I had it with ponzu sauce. The refreshing acidity of ponzu sauce and just the right amount of fat. The meat is combined and has a refreshing taste. It had a delicious taste. Lunch set includes bread or rice, Comes with salad. And in the self-service corner Free soup, coffee and tea receive. Although it is a little far from Umeda, Due to its location Have lunch in a very quiet atmosphere receive. I don't know the last order time, but Lunch time is until 15:00 It seems that there is.

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