PRONTO - Shin-Umeda Shokudogai w Osaka

JaponiaPRONTO - Shin-Umeda Shokudogai



🕗 godziny otwarcia

9-17 Kakudachō, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0017, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6130-9880
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7033258, Longitude: 135.4979889

komentarze 5

  • WS



    We had breakfast on May 10th, 2024. Coffee and sausage egg muffin was good.

  • 円間幸久



    [Asago bread set (528 yen)] I entered the store after 8am. About 50% crowded. So, order now. While there are several morning sets, the one that caught my attention was the breakfast bread set. Breakfast bread. It is said that the standard side dish and bread of morning rice are docked. It's kind of okay. Well, let's have the Asago bread set with iced coffee. Do you want to warm up the bread? So please keep it warm. So, take a seat and enjoy! Asago bread... It has a plump texture and is quite filling. It's not sweet, but it looks like French toast. The ingredients are fried eggs, cheese, and mayo. It tastes quite junky, but it's not bad. Iced coffee is normal. I don't really like paper straws. There is also a smoking booth inside the store, which makes me happy as a smoker. I munched and finished eating. I was pretty full. Thank you for the meal.

  • すぎ.



    Depending on the timing, there were times when you could only pay with cash or ID, so be careful. I used it in collaboration with Pokemon. Take-out drinks and sandwiches? is in the store. Drinks were only served cold, and even though they had whipped cream on top, the drink part was served at room temperature. Although it includes ice, it doesn't keep the drink cold at all, and the whipped cream started melting within a few minutes of receiving it. Maybe that's why it tastes so bad... The cookies on top were delicious. The sauce on the sandwich was delicious, and both the bread and the sandwich were filling, but the hamburger was cold. At the very least, I wish they would have brought it back to room temperature before serving it. I haven't been to any other PRONTO stores, so I don't know if it's just this store or if all Pokemon collaborations are offered in this way, but I was disappointed that they didn't provide products from the customer's perspective even though I was paying.

  • Globe Hop

    Globe Hop


    Delicious pasta and iced coffee, very chill ambiance and it was so nice to sit and relax after a long shopping day. The staff was very kind too even though I can't speak good Japanese. I highly recommend this place!

  • lateforthesky



    Simply good foods and many kinds of alcohols. You can charge your cellphone here. Note that all seats can smoke.

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