Rei Dental Clinic w Owariasahi

JaponiaRei Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒488-0830 Aichi, Owariasahi, Higashiinbachō, 3-chōme−1−18
kontakt telefon: +81 561-55-5777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.2111355, Longitude: 137.0228819

komentarze 5

  • 佐々木秀明



    Thank you for your continued support. The director is kind and will carefully explain the treatment plan and perform the treatment. However, it seems that only one doctor is handling the treatment, so it may be difficult to make an appointment or you may have to wait.

  • 加藤凡



    Halfway through, I was replaced by a teacher who looked more like a student, and it was so painful. I couldn't take it anymore so I asked for a replacement, and then I changed to another doctor. I feel like subcontracting because I'm busy. I worked in the construction industry for a while. I think I should be able to endure it, but it's terrible.

  • otsu mami

    otsu mami


    Thank you for your regular check-ups! After cleaning your teeth for about 30 minutes, your teeth may tingle and bleed, but I'm sure you're paying close attention to them. My husband and I are so happy that we are now able to send our children as well! I will continue to rely on you!

  • いそぎんぎんちゃむ



    When I went to get the tartar removed, the treatment was divided into four sessions, so it took an extremely long time. I was surprised because it was my first time at a dentistry that didn't have to be completed in one visit. The director came to check on me for the last time, but he had to talk to the assistant while the instrument was stuck between my teeth.I was in tremendous pain and was bleeding profusely, and the pain didn't go away in that area for about 3 days.

  • みみみみ



    It's cold and scary. Even after getting on the examination table, patients often had to wait for a long time. I was in a rush and no matter when I went, everyone was tingling. I can't hear from you because you seem busy. Now that today's treatment is over, I feel like I should go home early.

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