Hara Dental Clinic w Nagakute

JaponiaHara Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2203 Yokomichi, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1129, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 561-62-4181
strona internetowej: hara-dental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1706321, Longitude: 137.0500518

komentarze 5

  • 岩山悦子



    I have been going to the hospital for 46 years since it opened. I've been going to this dental clinic for 46 years, probably because of Dr. O's guidance, because the current director, Dr. Hara, all the other doctors, and the staff are so kind and thorough in explaining the details of the treatment. . My daughters have been attending since they were little. My little girls had never cried.

  • misamisa



    Since childhood, I have struggled with the treatment of tooth alignment and cavities. I have been to many different dental clinics, but here they take the time to explain things until the patient is satisfied, and the treatment is thorough and I feel safe. I'm visibly getting better, so I'm satisfied and I'm grateful to my doctor. My self-confidence has increased tremendously!

  • N K

    N K


    I have been going there for a long time. The treatment explanations are easy to understand and the treatment is thorough. Thank you for your continued support.

  • Satomi S.

    Satomi S.


    My family and I go for maintenance every three months, and it always comes out in great condition. I have recommended it to my friends, and everyone is happy to go there. This is a very reliable dental clinic.

  • ぼっくん



    I visited a dentist for the first time in middle school. Lately, I've often heard that if you don't take care of your teeth, your health will be adversely affected, so I was scared to go. The overall atmosphere is cheerful, sir? He was a young teacher in his 30s. I was a little worried because I was young, but he explained in detail what I was worried about and the latest dental information, and I felt like I was being looked at by an experienced doctor, so my worries quickly disappeared. Ta. The test results were explained to me using something like a medical certificate in my mouth, which made it easy to understand. I felt safe sending my child to this place!

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