Sakae Dental Clinic w Nagoya

JaponiaSakae Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒465-0051 Aichi, Nagoya, Meito Ward, Yashirogaoka, 3-chōme−1306 番
kontakt telefon: +81 52-703-1180
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1684749, Longitude: 137.0146281

komentarze 5

  • T M

    T M


    I went to see the reviews. The director was very enthusiastic and gave thorough explanations, so I felt I could trust him. The reason I deducted a star is because it's crowded in the evening and it's hard to get a reservation for the next time.

  • KaKa TaTa

    KaKa TaTa


    I had dentures made for my mother. They were very motivated and had a sense of mission, and they made very good dentures. He's such a good dentist that I don't want to tell him about it because it gets crowded. We don't push you into medical treatments that aren't covered by insurance, but we also accommodate requests for things like fillings that aren't covered by insurance. The director, other doctors, and staff members give their all to every patient. I also like the teacher's easy-to-understand explanations of the Nagoya dialect. Thank you everyone as always.

  • b a

    b a


    The inside of the clinic has the feel of an old-fashioned dentist. The director is friendly and interesting, and provides very accurate examinations. Why this diagnosis and treatment? He explained the rationale in an easy-to-understand manner and I was satisfied. He is a dentist that I would like to continue working with in the future.

  • 466 bravery

    466 bravery


    I think the director has great skills. I really didn't like dentists, and I only remember the anesthesia being extremely painful. I went because I thought I had been scammed by a friend's introduction. I didn't even use any skin anesthesia, so I really didn't feel any pain at all. It was my first time at the dentist and I was very impressed! ! Recommended for those who are sensitive to pain! I will continue to visit you

  • im k

    im k


    The younger doctor scraped not only my teeth but also my gums due to a mistake, and the bleeding wouldn't stop. Then, the metal that was placed on her came off right away, and she was transferred to another hospital. I will never go there again.

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