Ramen DaDaDa i Sendai

JapanRamen DaDaDa



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Japan, 〒983-0034 Miyagi, Sendai, Miyagino Ward, Ōgimachi, 3-chōme−5−1 オレンジホール箱堤 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 22-781-6772
internet side: tabelog.com
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Latitude: 38.2621207, Longitude: 140.938806

kommentar 5

  • ちゃんまっこい



    I go there quite regularly (lol) Is this summer-only hiyashi chuka? ate. Seasonal specials are delicious🎵 I especially like the winter offal stew style 😁 Also, when will fried chicken come back? 😅 Extra spicy miso

  • ゴン



    There were few customers so we were able to eat quietly. I had a regular serving of pork soba without soup, and it was hearty and the noodles were thick and filling. As I continued to eat, I started to get bored, and since I was a small eater, I couldn't eat everything.

  • taro goto

    taro goto


    I was interested in this store, so I went there. Entered the store around 11:30 on weekdays. As soon as you open the entrance, there is a ticket vending machine. Order Dadada pork soba! By the way, it costs 990 yen! When you take your seat, you will be asked if you would like garlic or oil in exchange for your meal ticket. The free large bowl of noodles is a nice service, but since it was my first time at the restaurant, I decided to get the regular noodles! At this time, there were only 2 to 3 customers in the store, but before 12:00, more and more customers started coming in. When I put the rice bowl on and took a sip of the soup, it was a little sweet, as other reviews said. I think everyone's tastes are different, but I think it's a very easy-to-drink soup. The char siu is not runny, but firm and meaty. The flavored eggs were also half-boiled and good. It was very delicious, but next time I think it would be better to use more garlic. The default was not enough. It's not a place I usually go to due to its location, but it's a store I want to go to again!

  • Ryosuke Ito

    Ryosuke Ito


    That was a something else!!! It was too delicious to find words to expressing how I felt✨ My favorite is 太麺(thick) That's why I wanted to come here!!! Maybe you can't judge from photo👀💦 The access to come here is a bit hard but I highly recommend to come here and eat💪 It's better for put garlic chip into soup and turn into more tastier🍜

  • Davide Bitti

    Davide Bitti


    Not my kind of ramen but not that bad.

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