チャイニーズレストラン北竜 i Sendai




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7-84 Rokuchōnome Nakamachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0012, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-288-8448
internet side: www.hokuryu.net
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Latitude: 38.2510622, Longitude: 140.9390669

kommentar 5




    I bothered you at night. There are almost no customers. The inside of the store is dark and lifeless. Ordered three dishes and a highball. The highball glass is warm. The ice melts quickly and the carbonation is weak. With this, the price is over 700 yen, which is bullish. It's not even in a big glass. The food came quickly, but the seasoning was very sweet. I don't know what kind of sweetness it is, but I wonder if this dish is worth it at this price. I was so surprised by the highball that I forgot to take a photo of the food lol I remember it being delicious in the past, but I can't help but feel disappointed. I feel sorry for those who like this restaurant, but I don't think I'll ever visit it again.

  • 鈴木文江



    At a loss for lunch, I was encouraged by the TV broadcast of Nikuman to find a Chinese restaurant and visit. Attracted by shrimp chili, I chose a set of gomoku soba and shrimp chili bowl. The soba noodles are delicious and the shrimp are plump. The lychee dessert is also nice (≧∇≦)b I wish the menu had less choice and more dim sum...

  • Kana MTK

    Kana MTK


    The inside of the store is clean and bright. I used to have a star anise flavor in my dandan noodles, and I loved it, but before I knew it, it had disappeared. A little disappointing. But I love a good value and hearty lunch 👍 The shrimp chili is also delicious.

  • Lonely Rider

    Lonely Rider


    At first glance, this is a Chinese restaurant that looks like it's high-end, serving Sichuan cuisine as its main dish. This time I ordered the "Gomoku Soba Set" for ¥1375. Perhaps because it is a set, the soba noodles are a little smaller in size. Shrimp chili bowl, zha cai, and dessert came with lychee, which I haven't seen in a while. Looking at the menu, the individual items seem to be expensive, but the set items are a great value. I was satisfied with this set, but the mapo tofu is popular and looks delicious.

  • ああ



    I heard it was delicious, so I visited. Since it was a Sunday, it was so popular that there was a line outside the store during lunch time. There wasn't a long wait from ordering to serving the food, which was just the right amount of time. At an authentic Chinese restaurant, we had delicious double-pot meat and mapo tofu. Dandan noodles seem to be popular, but I wonder if this flavor will suit my taste? However, I feel like there are more and more dishes that I can't offer these days. (There is a horizontal line on the menu indicating that it is no longer available) The staff at the store are very courteous. I love that they serve hot jasmine tea at the perfect time at the end of a meal. (Of course it's free)

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