Ralse Mart i Tobetsu

JapanRalse Mart



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒061-0227 Hokkaido, Ishikari District, Tobetsu, Sonoo, 55−55
kontakter telefon: +81 133-22-2222
internet side: www.arcs-g.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.222365, Longitude: 141.5172846

kommentar 5

  • YYZ61



    My favorite place to go. Because it's small, it's easy to choose items and the prices are low. When looking for options, go to our affiliated store, Super Arcs Tobetsu store!

  • 伊藤裕康



    I went there in the summer when the temperature was quite high, but the store was fully air conditioned so I was able to buy fresh food with peace of mind! I'm sure it's cold for those in the backyard and those with capacity, but please do your best ❗

  • あさひサッポロ



    I use it all the time The products are neatly displayed, making it easy to shop and see the products. The cashier staff and service counter staff are also very kind ❤️ I will continue shopping

  • Azmeree Jahan

    Azmeree Jahan


    Nearest grocery shop from tobetsu station. On Sundays there are sale on some products. The flower shop corner is open till 7pm every day. Toilet is very clean. There is corner for cleaning/ironing clothes too beside flower corner.

  • shemana hassan

    shemana hassan


    Food quality is excellent. Price is also reasonable, they also give various discounts

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