Rairaitei Yokosuka Sahara i Yokosuka

JapanRairaitei Yokosuka Sahara



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-14-14-8 Sahara, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-0835, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 46-834-7889
internet side: www.rairaitei.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2400974, Longitude: 139.6804397

kommentar 5

  • Justin Chavez

    Justin Chavez


    Ramen is very tasty and satisfying! Great for kids as well. Price is good! I will be back for sure!

  • Nancy Aljure

    Nancy Aljure


    As a family of 4 we enjoyed our time and food. Most ramen options offered different combos and sizes of bowls. Fried rice was delicious (probably one of my favorites in the area). Lots of sides to choose from if not everyone in your family is in the mood for ramen. Seating is diner style or floor seating for families and gatherings (shoes off ) Staff was kind and worked with the language barrier. Only draw back is it doesn’t take American card ( Visa, Mastercard , American Express payment ) not a deal breaker 7/11 is across the street.

  • Justin Bouchard

    Justin Bouchard


    Prices and food are great. Always a pleasure to go to. My only downside is that sometimes it can take a while for orders to come. Other than that, great restaurant!

  • Juvenal Agoncillo II

    Juvenal Agoncillo II


    This place was awesome!!! The ramen was delicious and had that super rich umami taste. I just added some nori seaweed and a flavored egg which just elevated the experence. Will definitely be coming back for the fried rice and gyoza! Plus the prices are super friendly to your pocket if you're on a budget.

  • emerson tan

    emerson tan


    Food is always great love this place.

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