Izumiya i Yokosuka




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒238-0008 Kanagawa, Yokosuka, Ōdakichō, 1-chōme−13 さいか屋横須賀店本館 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 46-821-0108
internet side: wagashi-izumiya.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.2821232, Longitude: 139.6696992

kommentar 5

  • mama yoko

    mama yoko


    I received a black Karin manju with the Yokosuka Kankaku Ticket. It was crunchy on the outside and very delicious.

  • bathing forest

    bathing forest


    The Karinto manju is different from the ones at other shops, and is really delicious with its exquisite crunchiness and just the right amount of sweetness of the bean paste. It makes a great souvenir, but it doesn't last long and is frozen, so it's inconvenient to carry. However, when given as souvenirs to people from other countries, they have an impact and are very popular. I would really appreciate it if they were individually packaged, but I think that would increase the price~💦Izumiya-san, please consider this!

  • 奥田智也



    When you come to Yokosuka, be sure to eat here Karinto Manju The crispy dough is exactly like Karinto tofu! You can take out Karinto manju with exquisitely sweet strained bean paste.

  • 95776170 Boojum

    95776170 Boojum


    Two types: Yokosuka-yaki white bean paste and Gyuhi-flavored red bean I'm glad that Gyuhi is included after all It's also good that the skin has a slight aroma.

  • Shinichi Yada

    Shinichi Yada


    The Karinto manju called Kuro Karin is delicious. If you want to eat it on the spot, choose something freshly made and warm. If you're looking for a souvenir, get a pack of 6 or 10. Recommended.

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