Kouraku i Yokosuka




🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-2-23 Nobi, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-0841, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 46-849-4530
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Latitude: 35.2098198, Longitude: 139.6849823

kommentar 5

  • YUJI



    It was my first time visiting. I arrived before noon and there were already 5 groups waiting. There was a parking lot for 7 cars, but if you write your name and car number on the reception slip, you can wait in your car, which is helpful on hot days 😅 Ordered sanmamen and fried rice ➕ gyoza. Since there was no half-fried rice, I ordered it separately, but it was quite filling and full 🫃 Some people came only to eat the fried rice, so it was so delicious ✨ The seasoning was so good that I would like to eat a large serving of fried rice next time😋 2024.10.2 Second visit...I arrived before opening time, but the shutter was closed😒There was a sign saying that it was only open in the evening on weekdays, so when I was getting lost in front of the store, the store staff came walking by. I went around apologizing and saying that an employee had recently quit and they were short-staffed, so they were only open in the evenings except Sundays. I came running at high speed with full intention of eating a large portion of fried rice, but unfortunately 😢 It's better to pay attention to the business hours and visit the store for a while 💦 I would like to come back to eat again 🍜🍚

  • satoshi soro

    satoshi soro


    Ordered Cantonese noodles and dumplings🥟 The bean paste is hot, sweet and delicious! It didn't get cold until the end and was simply delicious. Also, the small gyoza was juicy and delicious. This is a Chinese restaurant that I will definitely visit again 💕

  • 内ちよこ



    Cantonese noodles, dumplings, and mini chashu rice bowls are recommended. This is a Chinese restaurant that always serves you cheerfully. Be prepared to queue at lunchtime.

  • まあくん



    This is my visit because the madam and her daughter recommended it to me😍♪ Other people came up with my name, so I thought I should go. I arrived right after the opening and there was already a waiting list and cars lined up 😆 Of course, I ordered the recommended sammar noodles and fried rice♪ It's cooked very skillfully and arrives in no time 🆗 It's saumar noodles, but it's a soup and ankake type, with pork, thin noodles, and a wide variety of toppings, and it was pretty delicious 👌 Has the bean sprout been pre-processed? ️ It looked like it had no head or beard 🆗 I can see the careful work 👍 Personally, I think it will be in the top 10⁉️ More than that, the fried rice was really delicious, and the seasoning was perfect with the standard ingredients 🤩 As for the soup, it's like this, and I can't stop eating it😆 The fried rice was so delicious that it ranked in my personal top 5♪ I ate both and I was full 🐖 I thought that if it was just noodles, a large serving was a must.㊙️ The energetic customer service from the girls working at the store is very pleasant, and their consideration of those waiting and the cooperation with other staff members are perfect.I can't find anything wrong with this place😆 I was impressed by how fast the rotation was due to the skillful cooking and coordination. Thank you for the meal~ The reaction was pleasant, and it was a pleasant meal until the end 😆 If I had to say it, I think it's a little hard to eat with smooth chopsticks😆 The grip was bad and I kept slipping 💦 If possible, I would also like half-fried rice on the menu 🙏 I also wanted some garlic⁉️♪ It's a very popular store, and although it's a little far from home, I'll definitely go there again 😉 Other people's green onion miso looks delicious👀 Well, I was very satisfied♪ After all, listening is important 😎 Payment seemed to be cash only. Thank you for the meal😋




    After eating Sanmamen here, I was hooked. Sanmamen is light, but it's packed with flavor, and I finish the soup every time! I took a foreign friend who doesn't really like light food to this restaurant, and he said it was delicious lol. Cantonese noodles are also delicious and recommended! The store clerk's older sister and the owner's family work very efficiently, creating an atmosphere that is representative of local Chinese cuisine. I really like this store.

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