Rai Rai Tei en Amagasaki

JapónRai Rai Tei



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-21-24 Minamimukonosō, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6436-0611
sitio web: www.rairaitei.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7467308, Longitude: 135.386322

comentarios 5

  • にゃんこ先生



    Rairaitei is a chain store along the Niho Line. The taste is consistent, and since it's a chain store no matter which store you go to, there's no variation, so it's a store I frequent often. The parking lot is wide and easy to park. The store staff are also very responsive and quick to respond, so I feel comfortable. This is a popular restaurant that opens at 11am, but the parking lot is almost full after 11am. Miyakko, Hakata Genkotsu, and Ippudo have recently opened in this area of ​​Amagasaki, making it a competitive area for ramen, but the shops here are doing their best. I love the all-you-can-eat umeboshi.

  • にゃしま



    It's so rich on a cold day that you'll fall at the first bite. I eat without being picky. Foods that change their taste during cooking, such as garlic, I think it would be nice to have a replacement ball. I can still go without it though.

  • 村田猛



    Long time no visit. I think the noodles would have been better if they were harder. It will become soft soon. It's been so long since I made it that I forgot that you can adjust the amount of green onions etc. Was the fried rice like this? The taste was bland. It's full of great value sets, so if you've never been before, give it a try.

  • RM SG

    RM SG


    Went there for lunch on a Saturday. Didn’t wait much. Ramen soup is tonkotsu shoyu. Strong flavor yet gentle. Cha han (fried rice) was also strong in flavor. Kara age (fried chicken) was battered with ginger and garlic, always a good combo. I recommend adding some of the grated garlic and pepper to the ramen.

  • 。 boom

    。 boom



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