Wakana Soba - Hankyu Nishinomiya-kitaguchi en Nishinomiya

JapónWakana Soba - Hankyu Nishinomiya-kitaguchi



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Japan, 〒663-8204 Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Takamatsuchō, 1-chōme−6−20 今津線宝塚行ホーム
contactos teléfono: +81 798-64-1565
sitio web: wakana-s.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7461871, Longitude: 135.3566153

comentarios 5

  • Beautiful Blue-life

    Beautiful Blue-life


    As of 2024, there is a stand-up soba restaurant inside Hankyu Nishinomiya Kitaguchi Station, and its name is ``Wakana Soba.'' In my previous memories, I think it was Hankyu Soba. The business was transferred from Hanshin Hankyu Restaurants and is now operated by Hiranoya. In 1967 (Showa 42), it was the first private railway in the Kinki region to be located inside Hankyu Electric Railway Juso Station. It all began with the opening of Juso branch as a stand-up soba and udon restaurant. The Nishinomiya Kitaguchi store calls itself a soba restaurant, but the taste of the soup stock is not Tokyo-style sweet and salty soba soup. It has the color of Kansai-style udon soup with strong soy sauce, and the taste is not very sweet. Umeda Station 3rd floor store Ishibashi store, Mukonosho store, Chayamachiguchi store, Ikeda store, Ibaraki store, Nagaoka Tenjin store, Nishinomiya Kitaguchi station store, Kamishinjo store, Higashimuko store, Nishikyogoku store, Minamisenri store, Juso store, Nishinomiya Kitaguchi store, The 15 Tsukaguchi stores operate under the name ``Wakana Soba Hankyu''.

  • taretare



    I used to use it often when returning from Takarazuka after a Rokko traverse or half-traverse. This time, I visited for the first time in about 8 years and had a set meal of oyakodon and soba. In the past, 100 percent soba was popular, but what about it now? I feel like the taste of soba has changed quite a bit.

  • Coby Simon

    Coby Simon


    I often come here when I am tired and hungry. Self service water and order from the vending machine but it is cheap and portion is filling. Food comes out quick and the food is hot. I get the tempura udon set most of the time. It is by the takarazuka line so it is very convenient for those who need to take that line.

  • Nick Torison

    Nick Torison


    Nice little soba shop for a quick bite to eat.

  • Joe



    Pretty good curry and udon.

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