R cafe en Otsu

JapónR cafe



🕗 horarios

934-1 Kitahira, Otsu, Shiga 520-0503, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 77-596-1355
sitio web: www.r-cafe.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2258062, Longitude: 135.9580144

comentarios 5

  • sawap



    The pineapple juice was delicious! The whipped pancakes are so light that you can eat as much as you want!! ️

  • Orianne Sauvagnat-Hashimoto

    Orianne Sauvagnat-Hashimoto


    Very nice cafe close to Biwa lake. The staff was very friendly and the food was good. Thank you

  • Kevin Kwok

    Kevin Kwok


    An awesome surprise. Located at the edge of lake biwa is this wonderful Hawaiian cafe. Big portions, fair prices, tentative staff. Order the lion coffee and get order malasada right away because they sell out quickly. This is the most dog friendly restaurant I've even seen in Japan. There were so many dog owners and each table has a pad and blanket as well as an anchor for the leash. There is also tons of outdoor patio seating The hulihuli chicken is THE BEST thing to order

  • Carmi Garcia

    Carmi Garcia


    Nice cafe with beautiful interiors. There's a parking area right in front and there's a great view of Lake Biwa. You can sit outdoors and bring dogs in the cafe. Their pancakes, fries and burger were good. Would love to visit again.

  • Bitsy Tandem

    Bitsy Tandem


    A bit crowded but is a nice place! Kind friendly staff and good food. The lake side is beautiful! I recommend the pineapple juice!!! Very Hawaiian, yummy! Next time i want to try the Loco Moco. It looks amazing in person, but the menu picture didn't look the same and it looked not as good until i got to see it in person. So I got the mochiko chicken this time.

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