Cafe1001 en Kyoto




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288 Taidōchō, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto, 602-8298, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81
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Latitude: 35.0264124, Longitude: 135.744366

comentarios 5

  • Jay Tee

    Jay Tee


    For a great rainy day tour break! Had coffee and some excellent parfaits. The decor is traditional Japanese coffeeshop, mixed with a bookstore.

  • Matthew Barbee

    Matthew Barbee


    After lunch I stopped by a cute cafe that is also near my home but had never stopped to visit before. I was again pleasantly surprised. It’s called Cafe 1001, and seems to specialize in chocolate mint cakes and drinks (perhaps the menu is seasonal?). I ordered the mint chocolate cheesecake and the chocolate-marshmallow mint milk. I love choco-mint anything and these didn’t disappoint. Cake was soft and rich while the mint milk was hot, creamy (frothy?), and a little spicy. The chocolate marshmallows were a nice touch. Overall, I really liked this place, but the service was not great. I was the only customer the whole time I was there, and it felt like the master would have rather been doing something else. Not so welcoming at first.

  • Saliza Bono

    Saliza Bono


    Not worth it. I always believe that a cafe is a good cafe if it has the right atmosphere.. but this cafe definitely didn't. The food is good, yes, but the customer service is terrible! I've never met a Japanese so impolite and unfriendly and because of that it made the entire cafe's ambience an unpleasing experience. My friend's and I felt very uncomfortable in the cafe. Only go if you are mentally prepared to be treated badly...

  • ジエームス



    Fabulous chocolate-mint cafe with a parfait, cheesecake, and hot and iced drinks with the theme. It is in a cozy machiya and the service was friendly and fast. I loved the rules on reducing noise level of talking because it made the visit very comfortable and peaceful.

  • Gilang Lukman

    Gilang Lukman


    The staff is rude and they don’t allow you to use laptop. Definitely won’t come here again.

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