Poppy Springs Resort & Spa en Mimasaka

JapónPoppy Springs Resort & Spa


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538-1 Yunogō, Mimasaka, Okayama 707-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 868-72-7575
sitio web: www.poppy.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9924668, Longitude: 134.1345598

comentarios 5

  • kevin faron

    kevin faron


    A sister hotel to Yunogo Grand Hotel, one block away. You can also use the public bath there, and I was worried about the water getting cold on the way home, but I didn't have to worry because the quality of the hot spring water heated me up from the inside out. In fact, it can be hell in the summer because it's so hot. This indoor bath, on the other hand, is in a separate building across the street. It's inconvenient to have to go out the front door once. In addition, each component part, such as the changing room, washing area, and bathtub, is separated into individual small rooms, which are connected by corridors like an ant's nest. The washing area also only has about 6 seats and feels cramped. If you want a sense of freedom, go to Yunogo Grand. Dinner is a French half buffet. People who don't drink alcohol should avoid half-buffet style hotels. There's nothing to eat. This place was also very poor, and there was nothing appealing about the main French cuisine. Breakfast was a very standard buffet, but I enjoyed drinks such as yellow peach juice and almond milk that I don't often see elsewhere. It was strange and disappointing that the hot spring eggs that were available for dinner were not available for breakfast. It's easy to be fooled by the revolving door at the entrance to the indoor bath, which is rare these days, and the stylish European-style interior and exterior with an ivory color scheme, but I think this hotel actually has quite a few quirky points.

  • mo mo

    mo mo


    Let's go to Yunogo Onsen! So I chose this hotel. However! The hotel feels like a resort! Mediterranean resort! Well, I thought that most of the hotels that look so Instagrammable don't have good food, but I was surprised once again! ️ The buffet style includes bagna cauda with local vegetables, mushroom quiche, and ajillo with shrimp, all of which are seriously delicious🇮🇹🇫🇷🇪🇸 I was an idiot for ordering a beer. I thought I should have ordered wine🍷, but then the main steak🥩 came💥! On top of that, since it was our wedding anniversary, the cake almost made me cry. thank you very much

  • 柏木修



    I was told it was a hot spring spa, but I'm very disappointed. The hot spring is very small and can accommodate four adults. There are 3 places to wash and sit. Furthermore, you have to go outside and then go to the spa. This is completely unexpected. The fact that this hotel is rated A is problematic. The food is decent.

  • A.K PAPA

    A.K PAPA


    The room is clean and spacious so it's good. It was hard to find a restaurant because there was nothing around the hotel. Breakfast is the same as a business hotel, so I have low expectations. A hotel where the price and service don't match at all. Not recommended. I think the repeat rate is quite low.

  • M O

    M O


    Visited in October. It's a very cute hotel, full of Mediterranean resort feel. The Yunogo area itself is somewhat deserted to begin with, so it suddenly feels like a different world. The spa has a strong chlorine smell, but the facility itself is very clean and every detail has been carefully thought out to make you feel relaxed from the moment you enter to the moment you leave. The bathroom vanity and body cream are well stocked and I am very satisfied. There isn't much to see in Yunogo, but since we were there for fruits, it wasn't a problem. I had a very meaningful time at the hotel and would like to go again. The food at the restaurant is also very delicious. The vegetables are also carefully sourced from farmers and are perfect. It's a half-buffet style, and the attractive dishes are lined up in a crowded space, making it rather spicy. I really wanted to eat it all, but it was so generously prepared that it was spicy. The staff are also simple and casually provide pleasant customer service. The room was spacious, the bed was comfortable, and I slept very soundly. The loungewear is also very comfortable. The free space is always kept clean and has a variety of delicious coffee and other drinks available. Personally, I don't need a manicure, so I'd like to spend that money on sweets. The hotel was so comfortable that even as I write this while remembering what happened three months ago, I'm getting excited. What's really unfortunate is that the hotel provides this hospitable environment and service so casually that they don't appeal to the guests at all (although I think that's the beautiful part of not being pushy), people don't notice. seems to go unnoticed.

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