PLUM kitchen & cafe w Tochigi

JaponiaPLUM kitchen & cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

22-22 Daichō, Tochigi, 328-0071, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 282-22-1275
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.3964898, Longitude: 139.7324566

komentarze 5

  • り


    I think the atmosphere of the shop and the gorgeousness of the desserts are wonderful, making it an Instagram-worthy shop. But I'll never go again. Reason 1 The price is a little high for the taste of the food...1400 yen for just the pasta. tastes normal. Desserts are elaborate. Reason 2 When I called on the same day to make a reservation and place the order, the response was very poor. I have my own faults, but I forgot the name of the dessert, so when I asked her about today's dessert, she said, ``Please check on Instagram and then call me again'' and hung up on me. I forgot it too, so I thought there was nothing I could do about it, so I checked on Instagram, called again, and asked to reserve it, but they said, ``That item is already sold out.'' Huh? Could you have told me that during your first phone call? It was my first time to experience such an unfriendly cafe and I was surprised. The man who serves customers at the hall is extremely soft-spoken, kind, and nice, but the woman on the phone is kind of overbearing, and gives the impression that if you have a complaint, you don't have to come. I've been here a few times, but I don't think I'll go again.

  • dr_rrby29



    I had Chinese cabbage, shrimp, and yuzu pasta and a tart. The yuzu went well with the refreshing salt-based pasta and it was delicious. The tart is simply topped with mandarin oranges, apples, and strawberries. The filling was rich and sweet without overpowering the fruit, and it was also delicious. The price is a little high, so it's a reward lunch.

  • mone



    It's a nice space and very comfortable. All the dishes and desserts are so beautiful that you will fall in love with them. I also really like my husband's (?) customer service. The view from the store is beautiful with lots of greenery. I was really impressed by how delicious the chestnut pie was. The tiramisu was also delicious. The pasta has delicious springy noodles. The first pasta was very delicious, but the second tomato pasta was very salty and I felt like I had to restrain myself from eating it, which was disappointing. I thought maybe I had made a mistake with the amount of salt. Personally, I recommend sweets. There is also a parking lot next to the store. I would like to visit the cafe next time.

  • Lyn R

    Lyn R


    Classy with amazing food and great coffee. Reservations are highly recommended.

  • green green

    green green


    Used for lunch. The parking lot for the store was located next to the store. Looks like you need a reservation in the evening. Unfortunately, the pork lunch plate is sold out, so the grilled pork shoulder loin with salt malt, I ordered a salad plate (morning vegetables, pickled udon and radish, homemade tomato dressing, homemade roast pork, bamboo shoots and bacon quiche, etc.), mugwort round bread, and whole wheat round bread. The salad plate allows you to enjoy the vegetables you pick in the morning and a variety of vegetables prepared in a variety of ways to fill your stomach. The grilled pork was also tender, but I felt it was a little expensive for the price. Is the bread a little more fragrant? I thought it would be nice to have one. You'll want to stay for a long time as you can enjoy lunch and cake in a spacious space. I wasn't able to try the cake this time due to scheduling conflicts and a full stomach, so I hope to see you again.

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