Coco's Restaurant w Moka

JaponiaCoco's Restaurant



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒321-4361 Tochigi, Moka, Namikichō, 4-chōme−6−6
kontakt telefon: +81 285-80-1270
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.444884, Longitude: 140.0015008

komentarze 5

  • ショコラ



    I went on a weekday at noon. I pressed the call button for the clerk several times, but the clerk didn't come, so I called out to him myself. After a while, the dessert I had ordered after the meal arrived. I didn't press the dessert button...Maybe I misunderstood the waiter's call button. I don't know what the point of a button that doesn't work properly. Even though it's a weekday, it must be tough to have two staff members at lunchtime.

  • うにゃんさん



    Since I haven't been there for a while, I think the quality and quantity have gone down quite a bit. In the past, I enjoyed it not only as a meal but also as an accompaniment to alcohol, but this time I was a little surprised and disappointed to see that everything had gone down in quantity and quality!

  • y emi

    y emi


    I love Cocos. Everything is delicious and gives you energy☺︎ There is a wide variety of drink bars, and some are decaffeinated, so I'm grateful. I recently had a grated hamburger lunch, and both the hamburger and fried white meat were very delicious, and I want to eat it again! If you collect points with the Cocos app, you can get coupons depending on the stage, which makes going there even more fun!

  • 旅・食・とちぎ



    This is the first visit I hadn't decided on anything in particular to eat, so I thought it would be something with a lot of vegetables, so I ordered a peperoncino with lots of vegetables. It was really full of vegetables. Let's eat again

  • Dean Salundaguit

    Dean Salundaguit


    the food was good! just some delay of service because of too many guest

najbliższy Restauracja

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