Machiyakafe Tarochaya Kamakura Utsunomiyaten w Utsunomiya

JaponiaMachiyakafe Tarochaya Kamakura Utsunomiyaten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

484-1 Tōyachō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0123, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-653-3211
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.4820987, Longitude: 139.8986667

komentarze 5

  • モノトーン(ゆーとん)



    I heard that I could eat Kawara Soba so I went there. The building is a renovated old warehouse, and the interior is stylishly finished and has a nice atmosphere. However, I was surprised at how soft the seat of the chair I was sitting on was. Also, the entrance is very low (passed door) and my 150cm wife hit her head on it, so don't let your guard down. I ate omelet rice and Kawara Soba and both were delicious. I also had warabi mochi for dessert, and it was so delicious that I thought it was a good idea to come here just for it👍 Overall, I think it's not expensive and easy to use.

  • Piaget



    The cafe is made of stone and has a nice exterior. The menu is extensive. It is an order format from your smartphone. I have only received the sweet taste. Honestly, the taste is...hmm. . PayPay available!

  • つちつち



    Restaurant and teahouse inside Ishigura The atmosphere is nice. The food and atmosphere are good. The presentation of the food is good, but the seasoning is too basic and I'm not impressed. Something is missing beyond the visual impact Since it's a meal at a nice property, I want some ingenuity in the taste.

  • kyon kyon

    kyon kyon


    A calm and stylish Japanese cafe. There are 12 kinds of great value lunch menus, mostly Western-style, but also Japanese-style dishes such as tea soba. Order from your smartphone by scanning the barcode. I ordered the "Genovese Lunch Pasta", which is a great value set that includes 3 appetizers, 5 desserts, and a drink. Although the taste lacks the power of a push, it has a nice, elegant and gentle flavor. Especially in the 5-piece dessert set, the softness of the pancakes and the jiggly texture of the Kamakura warabi mochi are exquisite, and the level of sweets seems to be high. The iced coffee has a rich, deep flavor, and the Japanese sweets add a nice finishing touch to the pasta. This is a place I would like to visit again if I have the chance.

  • 那刹



    I visited on a weekday afternoon. Is it an Oya stone wall? ...It had a great atmosphere and brought out the Japanese style image even more! There aren't a lot of seats, so I guess it's popular with women because it has a calm atmosphere...I waited while it was quite crowded, but the staff were nice. However, it was extremely hot waiting there, so I felt it would be tough at this time of year. Maybe there were others? I don't know...(I called the day before to make a reservation, but it was already booked...) I wanted to eat Kawara Soba, but it said that it would be served from 2pm, so I got Cha Soba! It comes with two types of soup (original and sesame sauce), and both were delicious and went well with the soba noodles. (It made me want to eat a little more soba lol) The Kamakura Luxury Parfait was quite large, but it was just what I was looking forward to with the bracken mochi, wheat gluten buns, and elegant sweetness, so I was satisfied! I would like to visit you again to eat Kawara Soba.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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