Pâtisserie Mon sourire w Kochi

JaponiaPâtisserie Mon sourire



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-5-16 Shinhonmachi, Kochi, 780-0062, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 88-879-4273
strona internetowej: patisserie-mon-sourire.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.568661, Longitude: 133.5469918

komentarze 5

  • まろんもんぶらん



    After the move, a cafe space was created. 2 seater table x 4 seats 3 seater table x 2 seats There is a sofa seat for 4 people. After securing a spot in the self-service format, order and pay at the counter. You will then be given the usual call bell at the food court. It will not be served cold unless you ask. On this day, the clerk seemed to be unfamiliar to me, so he didn't smile, and when I went to the counter to pick up my order, he didn't even say sorry for keeping me waiting. I'm happy to have French press coffee. It's a shame that it's a paper cup, but I guess it's because the patisserie is the main focus and provides a cafe space. It's closer to the station and has become more spacious than before, and we now offer a variety of sandwiches from canelés, scones, and baked goods. There is also a parking lot, so it is easy to use.




    The cake is really delicious. I had the special strawberry cake. The strawberries were sweet, the whipped cream was savory, and the bread was soft. Plus, this is the first time in my life that iced coffee tastes so savory.

  • Stuart Roe

    Stuart Roe


    Hands Down.. The Best Cake Shop in Shikoku.. Customer Service, friendliness and Quality. Make it your go to shop for delicious delights. Now with a cafe to sit and relax

  • Manya



    There are also egg-free cakes. The fresh cream cake here is the most delicious and I like it, but my new favorite is the cookie cream puff! This is really delicious, and it's already sold out around 3pm (;∀;) The creme brûlée is similar to the filling of the choux, so this is also my favorite.

  • 黒松真柏



    The cream puffs and maple flan are definitely delicious. There are a lot of cakes that I'm curious about that I haven't tried yet, but the quality is so high that I would say they're in the top three cake shops in the prefecture. Also, as many people have written, the staff's customer service is very sweet for a cake shop, making you want to come back again. The lunch at the restaurant next door is also delicious, so we recommend having lunch there and then buying a cake from here to take home. If you are a resident of Kochi Prefecture and have never been there, you should definitely go.

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