TeaWay Tiweiionmorukochiten w Kochi

JaponiaTeaWay Tiweiionmorukochiten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒780-0026 Kochi, Hadaminamimachi, 1-chōme−4−8 イオンモール高知 1階
kontakt telefon: +81
strona internetowej: teaway.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5769198, Longitude: 133.5424245

komentarze 5

  • 森のクマさん



    My child said he wanted to eat tapioca, so I came to buy it, but he had a weird expression on his face because it wasn't what I expected lol Did you make it with all your heart in the obligatory lines when you received it? It makes me chuckle to hear you say that with no expression on your face lol

  • Julianne Streeter

    Julianne Streeter


    The lines here are crazy because Japan is going through another wave of a tapioca fad. It's fine but not nearly as good as some of my favourite bubble tea chains like TenRen , Gongcha or Chatime. Not worth the line in my opinion.

  • Cherry L

    Cherry L


    Long lines during weekends. Worth the wait especially on hot season. Average milktea but the best so far in Kochi.

  • レモン



    It says that the store closes at 10 p.m., and when I went there at 9:45 p.m. after completing other errands, I was told, "I want to cut the line by the end of business, so I've finished ordering. It varies from day to day depending on the queue." (30 minutes) (It's very possible that the line is more than that, so there's a good chance that it will be sold out even earlier than that.) If so, I would like you to write down the order stop time (it may vary depending on the number of queues), but there was no mention of the end time for order acceptance anywhere.

  • n



    When I miss Taiwan, I drink tapioca drinks from this shop. Although the tapioca is slightly inferior to the authentic Taiwanese, it is satisfying. I don't drink it often because it's quite expensive, but I remember drinking it every time I came to Aeon...😅 It's nice that you can add toppings, so you can change it depending on your mood. When they hand me a drink, they say, ``I made it with all my heart,'' which makes me feel good 😋

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