terzo tempo w Kochi

Japoniaterzo tempo


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-5-30 Sakuraichō, Kochi, 780-0821, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-6559-2013
strona internetowej: www.instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.560972, Longitude: 133.5513257

komentarze 5

  • kei ga

    kei ga


    Banana cheesecake was just right, not overly sweet.

  • たろう



    It's a stylish cafe with a nice atmosphere. It's worth a visit. It's hot inside the store in the summer. There is no air conditioning for the audience seats, so the doors are wide open and fans are turned on. So it's well ventilated. Shaved ice tastes even more delicious. Bottled pickles and cloth products are sold to take home.

  • sensuidiver



    It has a very retro feel. The shaved ice brown sugar special was delicious. 2023.6 revisit When I asked. That's when the shaved ice started. I was curious about kinako nuts so I ordered them. Are kinako nuts just kinako on the outside? That's what you think, but when you eat it, you'll find several kinds of nuts coming out from inside. It was delicious shaved ice with a variety of flavors!

  • マエシン



    It happened to be open on a public holiday, so I went there for the first time. There was only one empty seat in the small shop. It's around 2pm. The coffee is Alva Blend. Also baked pudding and pear tart. Anyway, the coffee was delicious. The number of shops that offer light roasted coffee is increasing, so I'm personally happy that there are shops like this. It's been a long time since I drank coffee that I thought was delicious. You can see that the baked puddings and tarts are also carefully made. There are a lot of female customers, so it's difficult to go there casually, but I would like to go there again if the timing is right.

  • Gen Yu

    Gen Yu


    I received baked goods at a Jazz event at Hidaka Sake Brewery Hall. I really like the simple taste that is less sweet and allows you to enjoy the taste of the ingredients.It was so delicious that I bought the peanut butter cookies on the spot (lol)When I checked the ingredients list, I found that they were made with only plant-based ingredients. There are so many things, and that's why it tastes so good! I was impressed◎ After that, I visited the store and bought another cookie. The store and staff are wonderful, and it's so popular that it's packed even on weekdays during the day! Next time, I would like to visit you at a cafe. Thank you for the meal◎

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