Pâtisserie ヒカリノ木 i Hitachiomiya

JapanPâtisserie ヒカリノ木



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804-14 Yugadaichō, Hitachiomiya, Ibaraki 319-2266, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 295-58-6363
internet side: www.hicarinoki.com
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Latitude: 36.5489769, Longitude: 140.4038715

kommentar 5

  • イチゴミルク



    I visited the store for the first time. I went with my mom to have dessert after dinner. I was confused about the pudding a la mode, so I decided on a crepe, which is rare at a cake shop. It seems that seasonal fruits are included, and this time it was melon. It had sponge, cream, and melon inside and was very delicious.

  • ぼのぼの



    A locally famous cake shop. There are a few eat-in options. This cake is also pleasing to the eye.

  • 石川義一



    I'll stop by to buy some souvenirs. The store has a lot of products such as cakes, cookies, baked goods, puddings, etc.😃We use the puddings and cheesecakes as souvenirs☺️I ate the crepe, and it was light and creamy, filling, and very delicious. Here it is ☺️

  • 3180



    A privately run confectionery shop that opened on November 13, 2015, which is rare around Hitachiomiya Station. The cakes are stylish and delicious, but the baked goods are also recommended. There is also a cake eat-in corner 🍰 He apparently opened his own shop after training at a Western confectionery shop for 12 years. We use plenty of ingredients locally sourced in Ibaraki, and the cafe space, located a little away from the entrance, is often filled with students returning from school. We also sell original chocolates before Valentine's Day, so you can make gifts that are different from those at mass retailers 🎁 In addition, limited menus are available depending on events and seasons.

  • Rei Yamaguchi

    Rei Yamaguchi


    Delicious cake shop. I've been here several times because I like the gentle taste, the reasonable price, and the cute atmosphere inside the store. There is a parking lot. Many of the cakes are aimed at children, and the baked goods have a simple yet stylish look. I think all the cakes are generally on the less sweet side. We also have a wide selection of baked goods for gifts.

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