daigo cafe i Daigo

Japandaigo cafe



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688 Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki 319-3526, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 295-76-8755
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 36.7713636, Longitude: 140.3538357

kommentar 5

  • Omito Date

    Omito Date


    I came here looking for dessert after lunch. Full of retro atmosphere, you can see the attention to detail in many places and feel like you can enjoy your time slowly. There was only one air conditioner, so I used a fan to circulate the air, and the clicking sound of the fan was nice. Dessert was apple pie, and hot tea to warm my body from the air conditioning. The apple pie was filled with apples and was filling. It was not too sweet and the presentation was nice. Paired with black tea, it was a satisfying meal. Also, the fact that they sell small souvenirs is a big plus.

  • Tega X

    Tega X


    I ordered a stew hamburger with a large serving of rice (+200 yen). The brown rice arrived. I thought it was cooked rice, but it wasn't. It's brown rice. The yellow embryo is firmly attached. It has a unique crunchy and chewy texture. It has a simple taste. Also, the large portion is enough to satisfy even the hungry. The salad is made with lettuce, homemade croutons and emulsified French dressing. The sweetness of the dried apple and the crunchy texture are fun. The hamburger steak is stewed in demi-glace sauce. The pork tastes good. The meat juices overflow. I can also feel the sweetness of the onions. It was a restaurant where you could enjoy the atmosphere of a beautiful old folk house and delicious food. 2024.5

  • stephane



    Beautiful place. The food is delicious and everything around, from the glassware to the lighting, is tasteful. Impeccable service.

  • Renée Scott

    Renée Scott


    This place has AMAZING hot chocolate. Love it. The ambiance was really nice and chill. Nice little desserts . Would go again.

  • deepaxx07



    The place is a hidden gem , everything The location ( like time slip into Showa era ) , The structure ( 100 year old ) The interior (like a real house in Showa era ) , The staff ( ready to answer any question asked ) , The menu (very well briefed ) The taste ( well maintained ) , The price ( no over pricing ) and *Prompt service*. A fortune teller ( nice and bright young man ) also practices on the second floor of the house ( 1000¥ fees for 30 minutes) . 5~6 minutes walk from the hitachi daigo sta. The place has no parking space and accepts credit cards . definitely worth a visit 👍.

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